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Can you explain the concept of state in React and how it's different from props?

In React, both state and props are fundamental concepts for managing data in components.

1, State (local state):

  • State is an inherent object within a component, responsible for representing and managing dynamic data and the component's internal state.
  • Changes to state are facilitated by the setState function, triggering a rerender of the component to reflect the updated state.
  • Adhering to immutability principles is crucial when working with state, emphasizing the creation of new objects or values instead of direct modifications.

2, Props:

  • Props, derived from "properties," serve as a mechanism for passing data from a parent component to a child component.
  • Unlike state, props are immutable and cannot be altered within the receiving component. That mean if I change value of props, component don't rerender. If I force a rerender, it will still receive the value from the parent component
  • Props enhance component reusability and configurability, allowing child components to access and utilize data provided by their parent components.

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