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Dipankar Paul
Dipankar Paul

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Comprehensive Guide to HashMaps in Rust

Hash maps are a fundamental data structure in many programming languages, including Rust. They allow you to store data in key-value pairs, providing fast and efficient lookups based on keys. In Rust, hash maps are implemented in the std::collections::HashMap module. This guide will explore how to create, manipulate, and use hash maps in Rust, covering common operations, best practices, and potential pitfalls to avoid.

Table of Contents

Introduction to HashMaps

A HashMap is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique. Keys are used to index the values, allowing for fast lookups, inserts, and removals. HashMaps are useful when you need to associate one piece of data with another, such as mapping usernames to user IDs or storing configuration settings.

Creating a HashMap

To use HashMaps in Rust, you first need to import the HashMap type from the standard library:

use std::collections::HashMap;
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You can then create a new, empty HashMap like so:

let mut my_map = HashMap::new();
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The mut keyword is used to make the HashMap mutable, allowing you to add and remove elements.

Adding Elements

You can add key-value pairs to a HashMap using the insert method:

my_map.insert("key1", "value1");
my_map.insert("key2", "value2");
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Each call to insert adds a new key-value pair to the HashMap.

Accessing Values

You can access values in a HashMap using their keys. Rust provides the get method, which returns an Option<&V> (an optional reference to the value) where V is the type of the values in the HashMap:

if let Some(value) = my_map.get("key1") {
    println!("Value for key1: {}", value);
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This code prints the value associated with the key "key1" if it exists in the HashMap.

Printing HashMap

The {:?} format specifier is used for printing the debug representation of the HashMap. However, remember that a hash map does not guarantee the order of its elements.

use std::collections::HashMap;

struct City {
    name: String,
    population: HashMap<u32, u32>, // This will have the year and the population for the year

fn main() {
    let mut my_map = City {
        name: "India".to_string(),
        population: HashMap::new(), // empty HashMap

    my_map.population.insert(1372, 3_250);
    my_map.population.insert(1851, 24_000);
    my_map.population.insert(2020, 437_619);

    for (year, population) in my_map.population {
        println!("{} {} {}.", year,, population);
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Output (1st run):

1851 India 24000.
2020 India 437619.
1372 India 3250.
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Output (2nd run):

2020 India 437619.
1851 India 24000.
1372 India 3250.
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You can see that it's not in order. If you want a HashMap that you can sort, you can use a BTreeMap.

use std::collections::BTreeMap; // Just change HashMap to BTreeMap

struct City {
    name: String,
    population: BTreeMap<u32, u32>, // Just change HashMap to BTreeMap

fn main() {

    let mut my_map = City {
        name: "India".to_string(),
        population: BTreeMap::new(), // Just change HashMap to BTreeMap

    my_map.population.insert(1372, 3_250);
    my_map.population.insert(1851, 24_000);
    my_map.population.insert(2020, 437_619);

    for (year, population) in my_map.population {
        println!("{} {} {}.", year,, population);
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1372 India 3250.
1851 India 24000.
2020 India 437619.
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Now the output will be always in order.

Removing Elements

To remove a key-value pair from a HashMap, you can use the remove method:

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This code removes the key-value pair with the key "key2" from the HashMap.

Updating Elements

If a HashMap already has a key when you try to put it in, it will overwrite its value.

my_map.insert("key1", "new_value1");
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This line updates the value associated with the key "key1" to "new_value1" in the HashMap. If the key already existed, the insert method returns the previous value. Otherwise, it returns None.

Iterating Over a HashMap

You can iterate over the key-value pairs in a HashMap using a for loop:

for (key, value) in &my_map {
    println!("Key: {}, Value: {}", key, value);
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This code prints each key-value pair in the HashMap.

HashMap Usage

  • Fast Lookups: Hash maps provide fast and efficient lookups based on keys, with constant-time average-case complexity.

  • Uniqueness of Keys: Keys in a hash map must be unique, ensuring that each key corresponds to at most one value.

  • Associative Data Representation: Hash maps are well-suited for representing data with an associative relationship between keys and values, such as dictionaries.

  • Dynamic Size: Hash maps can dynamically grow or shrink based on the number of elements they contain, adapting to changing data sets.

  • Efficient Inserts and Removes: Hash maps offer efficient performance for inserting and removing key-value pairs, with constant-time average-case complexity.

Panic Situations

  • Unordered Iteration: The order of items during iteration in a hash map is not guaranteed to be in any specific order, which can lead to unexpected behavior if order is relied upon.

  • Borrowing and Ownership: Care must be taken when borrowing values from a hash map during iteration to avoid borrowing issues, especially when modifying the hash map concurrently.

  • Missing Key Panics: Attempting to access a key that does not exist in a hash map using get and unwrapping the result may panic, necessitating careful handling of missing keys.

  • Limitations of Hashing Functions: Custom types used as keys in a hash map must have a properly implemented Hash trait to avoid incorrect behavior or panics.

  • Collision Handling: While rare, hash collisions can occur, where different keys produce the same hash value. Proper collision handling is necessary to ensure correct behavior in such cases.


HashMaps are a powerful data structure in Rust, providing fast and efficient key-value storage and retrieval. By understanding how to create, modify, and use HashMaps, you can leverage their capabilities in your Rust programs.

HashMaps offer a dynamic and efficient way to manage data, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether you're building a web server, implementing a caching mechanism, or simply need to store key-value pairs, HashMaps in Rust are a versatile tool that can help you achieve your goals.

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