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Suleiman Dibirov
Suleiman Dibirov

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What is Helm?

Helm is often referred to as the "Kubernetes package manager," but it’s more than just a way to install applications. It provides a standard format for defining, installing, and upgrading complex Kubernetes applications. At its core, Helm simplifies the way Kubernetes resources are managed by organizing them into Charts—a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources.

Key Concepts of Helm:

  1. Chart

    A Chart is a package of pre-configured Kubernetes resources that can be deployed as an application. Each Chart contains templates for the Kubernetes objects (like Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, etc.) needed to run an application. Charts are reusable and can be shared across teams or the broader Kubernetes community.

  2. Release

    A Release is a specific instance of a Chart that has been installed in a Kubernetes cluster. Each time you install a Chart, Helm creates a new Release with its own configuration and resources. Multiple releases of the same Chart can exist in a single cluster, each with its own set of custom configurations.

  3. Values

    Charts come with default configuration options, but you often need to customize these values to suit your application’s requirements. Helm allows you to override these default values using a values.yaml file or by passing configuration options directly through the command line. This makes it easy to deploy applications with different configurations in different environments (e.g., dev, staging, production).

  4. Repository

    A Helm repository is a place where Charts are stored and shared. Helm repositories are like package repositories in other systems (such as npm or PyPI). You can add public Helm repositories, like Bitnami or Artifact Hub, or even create your own private repositories to store internal Charts.

Why Use Helm?

  • Standardization: Helm offers a consistent way to package Kubernetes applications, reducing the complexity of managing various Kubernetes resources.
  • Version Control: Helm Charts are versioned, allowing you to track changes and roll back to previous versions easily.
  • Reusability: Helm allows you to reuse Charts for common applications, saving time and effort in creating complex Kubernetes resources manually.
  • Simplified Configuration: Helm’s values system makes it easy to customize your deployments without modifying templates directly.

In the following sections, we’ll go over how to install Helm and begin using it to manage your Kubernetes deployments efficiently.

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