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Iftakher Hossen
Iftakher Hossen

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Cope with Next.js

In the previous tutorial we learn about Next.js basics. Today we will learn about the core features of Next.js.

The Evolution of Next.js

Next.js is a React framework for developing single-page JavaScript applications. Today, Next.js is frequently associated with the Jamstack methodology for developing web applications. When it was launched in early 2016, however, it was originally just for server-side rendered apps. At the time, what made Next.js unique was that it handled both the frontend and the backend of your application and both were built using JavaScript and React. This allows developers to build full-stack applications using a single language and toolset while delivering an improved user experience that typically results in a faster initial render of the page. Next.js also gained popularity because it simplified building full-stack applications using React. It provided automatic routing for pages and built-in methods for server-side rendering (SSR) and data fetching. All of these features still exist in Next.js today, but many new features have been added and the existing ones have been dramatically enhanced. In particular, Next.js now handles multiple types of rendering methods. The simple fact is that Next.js has become so popular mainly because it solved the age-old issue developers had with JavaScript rendering in the browser itself. By doing a lot of the work on the server-side, the overall end-user experience is greatly improved – but at the same time, Next.js still allows that CSR.

The Core Features of NEXT.JS

  • Hot Code Reloading - Next.js reloads the page when it detects any change saved to disk.
  • Automatic Routing - Any URL is mapped to the filesystem, to files put in the pages folder, and you don't need any configuration (you have customization options of course).
  • Single File Components - Using styled-jsx, completely integrated as built by the same team, it's trivial to add styles scoped to the component.
  • Server Rendering - You can render React components on the server-side, before sending the HTML to the client.
  • Automatic Code Splitting - Pages are rendered with just the libraries and JavaScript that they need, no more. Instead of generating one single JavaScript file containing all the app code, the app is broken up automatically by Next.js in several different resources. Loading a page only loads the JavaScript necessary for that particular page. Next.js does that by analyzing the resources imported. If only one of your pages imports the Axios library, for example, that specific page will include the library in its bundle. This ensures your first-page load is as fast as it can be, and only future page loads (if they will ever be triggered) will send the JavaScript needed to the client. There is one notable exception. Frequently used imports are moved into the main JavaScript bundle if they are used in at least half of the site pages.
  • Ecosystem Compatibility - Next.js plays well with the rest of the JavaScript, Node, and React ecosystem.
  • Prefetching - The Link component, used to link together different pages, supports a prefetch automatically prefetches page resources (including code missing due to code splitting) in the background.
  • Dynamic Components - You can import JavaScript modules and React Components dynamically.
  • Static Exports - Using the next export command, Next.js allows you to export a fully static site from your app.
  • TypeScript Support - Next.js is written in TypeScript and as such comes with excellent TypeScript support.



  • Automatic Static Optimization.
  • Adaptability.
  • Security.
  • Faster Dev Cycle.
  • Truly Cross-Platform.
  • Short Loading Times.
  • Huge Support.
  • TypeScript Support.
  • Zero Configuration.
  • Great user experience.
  • Great SEO.
  • Flexible UI & UX.


  • Downside Of Flexibility.
  • It Does What It Does.
  • Lacks A Manager.
  • Poor plugin ecosystem.
  • No built-in state manager.

Benefits of Next.js for online businesses

How Next.js can positively impact your business results and help you push your ideas further?

  • Faster time to market.
  • Enhanced User Experience.
  • Increased organic traffic.
  • Fully omnichannel.
  • Support on demand.
  • Increased conversion rate.
  • Community support.


It doesn’t matter if you are planning to build a huge and demanding app to serve millions of users, nor if you are a growing webshop on Shopify. In both cases, you can use the advantages of modern web technology to make your business more efficient online. Uplift your page speed, SEO, and User Experience, and remember that technologies such as Next.js are making the web a better, cleaner, and more user-centric place. And that will always be favorable, not only by Google but, most importantly, by users.

Next.js Tutorials for beginners

Visit Next.js official site to read the documentation and know more in detail.

In the next tutorial, we will try to build a simple project with Next.js to clarify the project structures and how to start!
I try to cover the features, PROS, CONS, and the benefits of Next.js. If I made any mistakes pardon me! And I'd love to hear from you If you have any suggestions for me. Thank you for reading this blog!

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Top comments (2)

kasfiyaupoma profile image

Super informative blog. How can I create a new project? Could you please help me to know?

iftakher_hossen profile image
Iftakher Hossen

Thank you! In my next blog I will write about it ASAP!