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Ignace Maes
Ignace Maes

Posted on • Originally published at

The easy way to access the last JavaScript array element

In JavaScript, accessing the last element of an array is not as straightforward as in other languages. In Python, for example, you can use negative indexing to access the last element of an array. In JavaScript, however, using negative indexing with brackets [] doesn't work. Instead, you have to use brackets with the length of the array minus one.

const frameworks = ['Nuxt', 'Remix', 'SvelteKit', 'Ember'];

// ❌ Doesn't work
// undefined

// βœ… Works
frameworks[frameworks.length - 1];
// 'Ember'
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To make array indexing more flexible, JavaScript introduced the at method. The at method allows you to get the element at a given index in an array, with support for negative indexing.

const frameworks = ['Nuxt', 'Remix', 'SvelteKit', 'Ember'];

// πŸ”₯ Supports negative indexing;
// 'Ember'
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However, the at method is only an accessor method. This means that you can't use it to mutate the array. If you want to mutate the array, you have to use the bracket notation.

const frameworks = ['Nuxt', 'Remix', 'SvelteKit', 'Ember'];

// ❌ Doesn't work = 'React';
// Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment

// βœ… Works
frameworks[frameworks.length - 1] = 'React';
// ['Nuxt', 'Remix', 'SvelteKit', 'React']
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A similar method for mutations that does support negative indexing has been introduced as well. The with method allows you to change the value of an element at a given index in an array. However, it returns a new array with the change, as it doesn't mutate the original array.

const frameworks = ['Nuxt', 'Remix', 'SvelteKit', 'Ember'];

// βœ… Returns a copy with the change
frameworks.with(-1, 'React');
// ['Nuxt', 'Remix', 'SvelteKit', 'React']
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Browser support

The at function has baseline browser support on since 2022. Node has support in all current LTS versions.

If you're targetting older browsers, a pollyfill is available in core-js.

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Node.js
βœ… 92 βœ… 92 βœ… 90 βœ… 15.4 βœ… 16.6.0

The with function is newer, having only baseline browser support since July 2023. Node includes support since version 20.

Luckily, there is also a polyfill available in core-js.

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Node.js
βœ… 110 βœ… 110 βœ… 115 βœ… 16 βœ… 20.0.0


This article introduced the at method to access elements in an array. It supports negative indexing, which comes in handy when selecting the last elements. The with method is a new syntax that allows you to change the value of an element at a given index. However, it returns a new array with the change, as it doesn't mutate the original array. Both methods are supported in modern browsers, but you might need a polyfill for older browsers.

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