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Ilam Padmanabhan
Ilam Padmanabhan

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Quality at Speed: Optimizing QA in CI/CD Pipelines – Part One

This is part one of our blog series, where we take a story-driven approach to explore the evolution of QA in CI/CD pipelines. In this post, we’ll dig into the evolving role of QA in DevOps environments. We’ll look at how QA can be optimized in CI/CD pipelines and the key areas to focus on to change your approach to quality assurance. From shift-left testing to AI-powered test optimization, we’ll cover practical ways to navigate the complexity of modern software development.

We’ll also tackle the tough stuff. Flaky tests, long-running test suites, maintaining test environments — these are real problems teams face every day. But for each situation, we’ll provide practical solutions, based on industry best practices and real-world experience.

Let’s get started:

The conference room went silent as Sarah, the QA lead, dropped the bombshell: “The latest release has a critical bug that got past our testing. Thousands of users are affected.”

Mark, the DevOps manager, leaned forward, his brow furrowed. “But how? We’re pushing updates every week. Our CI/CD pipeline is supposed to catch these things.”

“That’s just it,” Sarah said, her voice exasperated. “Our pipeline is fast, but it’s not catching everything. We’re drowning in automated tests, but somehow we’re still missing the big ones.”

The CTO spoke up. “We can’t keep doing this. We need to deliver features faster to stay competitive, but we can’t sacrifice quality. There has to be a way to do both.”

This is the scene playing out in boardrooms and Zoom calls across the tech industry. The question is: how do we maintain — and even improve — software quality while delivering faster?

Welcome to the world of Quality Assurance in the age of DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. It’s a world where the old rules don’t apply, where QA professionals find themselves at the speed-quality intersection, trying to bridge the gap.

But here’s the thing: it’s not an impossible problem. With the right approaches, tools, and mindset it’s possible to have both speed and quality. It’s possible to catch critical bugs before production, to automate without drowning in tests, and to make QA part of the development process, not a bottleneck.

CI/CD and QA

Sarah slumped in her chair, her mind reeling. How did this happen? Just a year ago their release cycles were measured in quarters and while they weren’t fast they at least felt in control. With releases happening weekly — sometimes daily — it felt like trying to quality-check a runaway train.

“Okay,” Mark said, breaking the silence. “Let’s take a step back. We moved to agile methodologies and CI/CD to solve problems, not create new ones. There has to be a way to make this work.”

“You’re right,” Sarah nodded. “But the reality is, we need a fresh perspective on tools that simplify this complexity. Platforms like LambdaTest, which integrate seamlessly into CI/CD workflows, might be part of the answer. They can help automate cross-browser testing, provide rapid feedback, and ensure a smoother release cycle.”

Let’s join Sarah and Mark on their journey of understanding, starting with the basics of CI/CD and how it’s changed quality assurance.

CI/CD: Not Just Buzzwords

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are practices that have changed software development. But what do they mean?

Continuous Integration is like a code guardian. Imagine a book editor who every time you write a new page in your book checks it against every other page to make sure there are no contradictions or errors. That’s CI. It’s the practice of merging all developers’ working copies to a shared mainline several times a day.

Here’s what CI does (or should):

  • Automatically builds and tests your code every time you commit

  • Gives you rapid feedback on your code health

  • Catches integration issues early, prevents “integration hell”

Continuous Delivery takes this a step further. If CI is your book editor, CD is like having a publishing house on standby ready to print and distribute your book the moment it’s ready. CD automates the deployment of applications to selected environments. It ensures there’s always a deployment-ready build artifact that has gone through a standardized test process.

The CI/CD Pipeline: A New Assembly Line for Software

CI and CD together form the CI/CD pipeline, a new kind of assembly line for software development. But unlike the rigid linear assembly lines of the industrial age, the CI/CD pipeline is flexible, fast, and feedback-driven.

Here’s a simplified view of a CI/CD pipeline:

  1. Code: Developers write and commit code to a shared repository.

  2. Build: Code is compiled and built into an executable.

  3. Test: Automated tests are run against the build.

  4. Deploy: If tests pass, code is deployed to a staging environment.

  5. Verify: Additional tests and checks are run in the staging environment.

  6. Release: If all is good, code is released to production.

Each of these stages happens automatically, often several times a day week, or month depending on the requirement of the organization. There is no standard ‘right speed’, and each organization must choose the pace that is right for it.

The CI/CD Earthquake: Aftershocks in QA

Now imagine you’re a quality inspector in a traditional factory. You’re used to having days, maybe weeks to thoroughly inspect each product before it ships. Suddenly you’re told products will now be shipping hourly and you need to ensure the same level of quality.

That’s what happened to QA teams with CI/CD. The impact on QA has been seismic:

  • Shift in Timing: In the old world, QA was often the final gatekeeper before release. Now quality checks happen throughout the development process. It’s no longer about finding bugs at the end — it’s about preventing them from being introduced in the first place.

  • Automation is now imperative: In today’s fast-paced CI/CD workflows, manual testing just can’t keep up. That’s why automation has gone from a “nice-to-have” to something every team needs.

  • Wider scope: QA isn’t just about making sure things work anymore. It’s also about testing performance, security, and user experience — ensuring these aspects are all part of the pipeline.

  • Closer working: The roles of development, operations, and QA have become more connected. QA professionals now collaborate closely with developers and operations teams every day.

  • New skills required: QA engineers need to be part developer, part systems thinker, and part automation expert. The skills that make a great manual tester aren’t enough anymore.

  • Shift in mindset: Perhaps most importantly QA’s role has shifted from “quality police” to “quality enablers”. It’s about building quality into the process, not just checking for it at the end.

Sarah leaned back, a look of understanding in her eyes. “So that’s why our old processes don’t work anymore. We’re trying to apply assembly line thinking to a process that’s more like… like…”

“Like a living organism,” Mark finished.

Sarah nodded. “Exactly. So the question isn’t how do we check quality at the end of this process. It’s how we build quality into every part of it.”
The CTO who had been listening intently spoke up. “That’s the right question, Sarah. So how do we do it?”

Sarah took a deep breath. “Well, I have some ideas. But first, we need to look at some key areas where we can make the biggest impact…”

QA in CI/CD Pipelines

Sarah stood up and walked to the whiteboard, marker in hand. “Okay, if we’re going to put quality into every part of our CI/CD pipeline we need to focus on a few key areas.” She started writing.

Mark and the CTO leaned in.

“First,” Sarah said, “we need to shift left.”

1. Shift-Left Testing: Fix at the source

“Shift left?” The CTO raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like a political slogan.”

Sarah laughed. “Close, but not quite. Shifting left means moving testing earlier in the development process. Way earlier.”

She drew a simple timeline on the board, marking stages from left to right: Requirements, Design, Development, Testing, and Deployment.

“Traditionally,” she said, pointing to the right side of the timeline, “most of our testing happened here, after development. But in a CI/CD world that’s too late. We need to start testing here.” She circled the left side of the timeline.

“But how can we test code that hasn’t been written yet?” Mark asked.

“Good question,” Sarah replied. “Shifting left isn’t just about running tests earlier. It’s about thinking about quality from the very beginning. Here’s what it might look like:

  1. Requirements Phase: We review requirements for testability. Are they clear? Measurable? Can we derive test cases from them?

  2. Design Phase: We create high-level test scenarios alongside the system design. This catches design flaws early.

  3. Development Phase: Developers write unit tests as they code, not after. We also do code reviews and pair programming to catch issues in real-time.

  4. Continuous Integration: Every code commit triggers automated tests. This catches integration issues immediately.

“By doing this,” Sarah said, “we catch and fix issues when they’re cheapest and easiest to resolve.”

The CTO nodded. “I like it. But how does this apply when we adopt Agile methodologies?”

Sarah smiled. “Great question! Agile and Shift-Left Testing go hand in hand. Let me walk you through how they complement each other.”

She turned back to the board and added another layer to the timeline. “In Agile, we work in sprints — short, iterative cycles. That means we’re continuously refining and improving, which is the perfect environment for shifting left.”

“Here’s how it applies,” Sarah continued:

*1. User Stories and Acceptance Criteria: *“In Agile, we break down requirements into user stories, each with its own acceptance criteria. These criteria aren’t just for functionality; they also serve as the basis for test cases. So right from the user story creation, we’re already thinking about how to test.”

2. Test-Driven Development (TDD): “This Agile practice is a great example of shift-left in action. Developers write tests before they even write the code. This forces them to think about potential edge cases and how the code will be verified for correctness.”

3. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD): “In BDD, the whole team — developers, testers, and even business stakeholders — collaborates to write tests in plain language before development starts. This makes sure we’re all on the same page about what needs to be built and tested.”

4. Automated Testing and Continuous Feedback: “With CI/CD, every small piece of code is tested automatically as soon as it’s committed. This provides immediate feedback, allowing us to fix issues while they’re fresh and less complex.”

5. Retrospectives: “At the end of each sprint, we reflect on what went well and what didn’t. If testing or quality issues arise, we adjust our approach in the next sprint. This continuous improvement is core to both Agile and shift-left testing.”

The CTO leaned back, thoughtfully. “So, by integrating testing throughout the entire Agile process, we can identify and fix problems earlier, keeping development more efficient and delivering higher quality software.”

“Exactly,” Sarah replied. “It’s about building quality in, rather than trying to test defects out at the end.”

Sarah turned back to the board. “Next we need to talk about automation.”

2. Test Automation: The backbone of CI/CD

“Automation is the backbone of any CI/CD pipeline,” Sarah said. “Without it we can’t keep up with the pace of delivery.”

She drew a pyramid on the board. “This is the test automation pyramid. It’s our guide to what and how we should automate.”

Sarah labeled the layers of the pyramid from bottom to top: Unit Tests, Integration Tests, API Tests, UI Tests.

“Here’s how we approach automation:

  1. Unit Tests: These are at the base of our pyramid because they should be the most numerous. They’re fast, reliable, and close to the code. Developers should write these as they code.

  2. Integration Tests: These ensure different parts of the application work together correctly. They’re a bit slower but important for catching interface issues.

  3. API Tests: For applications with APIs, we automate tests to ensure endpoints behave correctly. These are faster and more stable than UI tests.

  4. UI Tests: At the top of the pyramid, we have UI tests. They’re the slowest and most brittle, so we use them sparingly and focus on critical user journeys.

But automation isn’t just about writing scripts,” Sarah said. “It’s about creating a robust, maintainable automation framework. We need to invest in good practices like:

  • Page Object Model for UI tests

  • Proper error handling and logging

  • Reusable test libraries

  • Regular refactoring and maintenance of test code”

Mark nodded then frowned. “This all sounds great but how do we handle the sheer volume of tests? Won’t this slow down our pipeline?”

Sarah smiled. “That’s where our next focus area comes in: Continuous Testing.

3. Continuous Testing: Quality at Every Step

“Continuous Testing is about testing in every stage of our CI/CD pipeline,” Sarah said.

She drew a flow diagram on the board, of a CI/CD pipeline with testing in every stage.

“Here’s how we do Continuous Testing:

  1. Commit Stage: Every code commit triggers fast unit tests and static code analysis. This gives feedback to developers.

  2. Build Stage: Once the code builds we run integration tests and generate code coverage reports.

  3. Package Stage: Here we do artifact scanning and dependency checks to catch security vulnerabilities.

  4. Deploy Stage: As we deploy to staging environments we run smoke tests and configuration tests to ensure the environment is set up correctly.

  5. Release Stage: Before we release to production we run full regression test suites and performance tests.

The key,” Sarah said, “is to run the right tests at the right time. We don’t need to run every test at every stage. Instead, we create a progressive testing strategy that balances speed and thoroughness.”

The CTO leaned forward, interested. “That sounds good. But what about performance? How do we ensure our application can handle the load?

Sarah nodded. “Good point. That brings us to our next focus area: Performance Testing in CI/CD.

4. Performance Testing: Speed and Scale

“Performance can’t be an afterthought in CI/CD,” Sarah said. “We need to bake performance testing into our pipeline to catch issues early.”

She listed the key parts of performance testing in CI/CD:

  • Baseline Performance Tests: “We set performance baselines for key transactions and APIs. These run with every build to catch performance regressions.

  • Load Tests: We simulate expected user loads to ensure the application can handle the traffic. These run nightly or weekly depending on the project.

  • Stress Tests: Occasionally we push the system beyond its limits to find its breaking points.

  • Monitoring and Profiling: We integrate APM (Application Performance Management) tools into our environments to monitor performance metrics.

The goal,” Sarah said, “is to shift performance testing left, just like functional testing. We want to catch performance issues as early as possible in the development cycle.”

Mark nodded. “This all sounds good, Sarah. But we haven’t talked about security yet.”

Sarah smiled. “I was just getting to that. Security is our final, but certainly not least important, focus area.”

5. Security Testing: Secure at Every Layer

Sarah listed the key parts of security testing in CI/CD and moved on to explain each step:

  1. Static Application Security Testing (SAST): “We scan source code for security vulnerabilities. This runs with every build.

  2. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): We test running applications for security issues. This runs in staging environments before deployment.

  3. Software Composition Analysis (SCA): We scan for vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies. This runs with every change to our dependency tree.

  4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Scanning: We scan our infrastructure definitions for security misconfigurations.

  5. Compliance Checks: We check for compliance with relevant standards (GDPR, PCI-DSS, etc.).

By doing all this security testing in the pipeline,” Sarah said, “we make security everyone’s responsibility, not just the security team’s.”

The room was silent as Sarah finished. The CTO looked pleased. “This is a big change from how we’ve been doing things.”

Mark nodded. “A lot to digest, but I see how this could change everything.”

Sarah took a deep breath. “It’s a big change and won’t happen overnight. But if we focus on these areas — shift left, automation, continuous testing, performance, and security — we can build quality into every step of our CI/CD pipeline.”

The CTO stood up. “Okay, team. We have our plan. Now comes the hard part. Sarah, what’s next?”

All in All!

As Sarah and Mark continued their discussion, they realized that maintaining both speed and quality in a CI/CD pipeline isn’t just possible — it’s essential. By adopting a shift-left approach, emphasizing test automation, and integrating continuous testing, teams can stay ahead of potential issues and ensure that quality is built into every step of the process. Further, platforms like LambdaTest offer end-to-end solutions for test orchestration, debugging, and reporting, making it easier to achieve both speed and quality in CI/CD pipelines.

In the final part of this blog series, we’ll dive deeper into practical strategies for optimizing test automation and tackling those tough issues, such as flaky tests and maintaining stable test environments, that teams face every day.

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