- Allows user to add rss feed and render the same in the user interface.
- Report generation using scheduled triggers runs once every 12 hours.
Next Steps:
- User authentication.
- Notifications when the new report is added.
- Landing Page.
Submission Category:
Choose Your Own Adventure
Link to Code :
Development in progress
Next.js and Mongo RSS feed
- Allows user to add rss feed and render the same in the user interface.
- Report generation using scheduled triggers runs once every 12 hours.
Next Steps:
- User authentication.
- Notifications when the new report is added.
Development in progress
Next.js and Mongo RSS feed
- Allows user to add rss feed and render the same in the user interface.
- Report generation using scheduled triggers runs once every 12 hours.
Next Steps:
- User authentication.
- Notifications when the new report is added.
Top comments (2)
I did not want work I done go in vain , hence submitted the work. I had a lot of features in mind to work on. I will be working on the upcoming days.
Feedback is most welcome
I know the feeling, I had to scrap a lot of ideas from my project because I got no time to work on it after the new year. You still built something really cool though!