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Prevent App Crashes in React Native Production: A Crucial Development Tip

Hey React Native Developers! 👋

I recently embarked on a React Native app development journey that took me through exhilarating highs and frustrating lows. 🚀 While everything was sailing smoothly during the development phase, things took a nosedive when I attempted to build the app for Android and iOS. 📱💥

Picture this: the app that had been a joy to work on suddenly turned into a crash fest in production. 😩 The error message that seemed to haunt me endlessly was:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'handleSetJSResponder' of null, js engine: hermes, stack:

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Believe me, I scoured the internet for solutions, tried various approaches, and even considered waving the white flag in surrender. But, just when I was about to give up, a ray of light shone through the clouds. ☀️

And where was that ray of light? Well, it was right in front of me, hidden in plain sight! 🕵️‍♂️

So, fellow developers, if you're in the process of crafting an app for Android or iOS, here's the golden rule that might just save you from the abyss of app crashes in production, even if your app seems perfectly fine during development:

Always remember to import 'react-native-gesture-handler';

Yes, you read that right – this simple import statement can be the life jacket that keeps your app afloat amidst the crashing waves. This advice might sound almost too good to be true, but trust me, I've been down that rabbit hole of despair. 🐇🕳️

I'm sharing this hard-earned wisdom because I don't want any of you to endure the sleepless nights and hair-pulling frustration that I did. We're a community of developers, and it's our duty to help each other out and make the journey of development smoother for everyone. 🌟

Remember, it's often the little things that can tip the scales between app stability and utter chaos. Let's join forces, support one another, and ensure that our apps not only survive but thrive in the real world.

Top comments (1)

bobbyrad profile image
Bob Rzadzki

I made this account just to say thank you!! This post saved me from my own hair-pulling pit of despair and you are a hero for sharing it!