- Encrypted Strings: Before being stored in vRO’s database, the AES-CBC algorithm is used to encrypt the contents of the string. (AES here on Wikipedia). An Initialization Vector (IV) is used as a key to encrypt and decrypt the data.
- Two XML parsers are available in vRealize Orchestrator: DOM (legacy) and E4X (dot notation). However, it is strongly recommended to use only E4X. Note: This parser is now deprecated by Mozilla foundation, but as the Rhino engine version used by vRealize Orchestrator is not the latest version, it is safe to use it.
- Orchestrator runs the code in scriptable task elements in a context that is not the Rhino root context. Orchestrator transparently wraps scriptable task elements and actions into JavaScript functions, which it then runs. A scriptable task element that contains
does not display the global object this in the same way as a standard Rhino implementation does. - You can only call actions that return nonserializable objects from scripting, and not from workflows. To call an action that returns a nonserializable object, you must write a scriptable task element that calls the action by using the
method. - For intensive Presentation Layer operations, there is a cache that you can use to put something into cache or retrieve from cache, this improves performance at an incremental scale. Methods that can be used to access cache are
. - For workflows that require pausing or sleeping: For short sleeps, you only need to do a System.sleep() to avoid serializing and deserializing the workflow inputs, attributes, and so on. -> Consumes Mem & CPU cycles for waiting. Sleeping for an extended period of time should be done with a Workflow sleep, by using a Waiting Timer versus a sleep within a scriptable task. -> Saves WF state in vRO Database while waiting.
- XML type is not automatically serialized by vRealize Orchestrator between workflows or actions, it must be converted to string before being used as output of a workflow.
var xmlString = xmlObj.toXMLString();
- Command-Line Utility: You can use the Orchestrator command-line utility to automate the Orchestrator configuration. Access the command-line utility by logging in to the Orchestrator Appliance as root over SSH. The utility is located in
. To see the available configuration options, run./vro-configure.sh --help
. - vRealize Orchestrator is bundled with a fluentd-based logging agent. The agent collects and stores logs so that they can be included in a log bundle and examined later. You can configure the logging agent to continuously forward vRealize Orchestrator logs to vRLI/Syslog servers by using the supplied vracli command line utility (
vracli vrli --help
). - vRealize Orchestrator now ships with cryptographic modules that have successfully passed NIST FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) testing. When these modules are configured to run in ‘FIPS-mode’, they will cover all cryptographic operations in the product that perform a security function and/or process sensitive data.
- The maximum size for a Resource Element in vRealize Orchestrator is 16 MB.
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