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First 7 Days of #100DaysOfCode

Just do it!

Right! That is what most of us will see or hear as the word of advice when starting to learn something. It's cliche but it is literally the first step to anything, the initiative.

How did I start?

So first, this is not the first time I took on the #100DaysOfCode challenge. I have tried and failed to keep myself accountable, countless times. I have failed not once, not twice on this challenge as I easily burn myself out. But I guess, that's really how we learn - by making mistakes.

How its going?

Its going not as smooth and not as I've imagined. But I have learned that failing is okay and normal. The past 7 days have been a satisfying start for me because I let myself stumble, hit the roadblocks purposely, and learn at my own pace.

In about a week, I have finished 2 Front End challenges from [] and you can see it all live on my Github and Codepen

The next 7 days!

Today is my 8th day and I aim to complete more challenges to test the knowledge I have with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I will try to make this journey fruitful by being consistent and one way to do that is by having someone who can keep you accountable other than yourself.

So I'm encouraging you to join me and start this challenge. See how far you'll go by doing something you love! Start your journey now.

What I'm currently working on?

I'm diving deeper on more CSS and I'll be incorporating a mixed layout like Flexbox and Grid. So on the next 7 days, I'm hoping to be able to implement it on the challenges and projects I'll be making such as my official website portfolio.


I highly suggest Kevin Powell's YouTube videos and his FREE 21-Day Challenge about responsive layouts if you want to learn more about CSS and responsive design.


Sincerest appreciation to my fiance who supports me as I go through this #100DaysOfCode! :)

Stay updated on my journey by following me on Instagram.

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