In this MERN Stack tutorial, you will learn how to build Refurbished Goods Marketplace App with React, Node, Redux Toolkit, MongoDB
In this video, I covered all the functionalities and modules with clear explanations and requirements.
Working with Tailwind CSS and Ant D parallelly
Implementing Redux and Redux Toolkit
Integrating React, Node, Mongo DB, Cloudinary
Working with complex Mongo Db queries
Separate User Interfaces for Seller, Buyer, Admin
Admin will have access to the entire application
Seller will have access to his own products and bids
Multiple images upload handling using Cloudinary, Multer, and Node JS
Every product must be reviewed and approved by the admin to sell on the platform.
Admin will have the access to the entire application, Seller will have the access to his own products and bids
Buyers can see the available products in the portal, filter the products, place bids, etc
Bids / Quotes functionality for the products
Trigger notifications functionality for all the actions
QA Support and Code Access
What is MERN Stack?
MERN Stack is a collection of powerful technologies and robust, used to develop scalable master web applications comprising backend, front-end, and database components. It is JavaScript that is used for the faster and easier development of full-stack web applications. MERN Stack is a technology that is a user-friendly full-stack JavaScript framework for building applications and dynamic websites.
MERN Stack consists of four main components or can say four main technologies:
M stands for MongoDB ( Database ), mainly used for preparing document database and is a NoSQL (Non-Structured Query Language ) Database System
E stands for Express, mainly used for developing Node.js web framework
R stands for React, mainly used for developing a client-side JavaScript framework
N stands for js, mainly used for developing the premier JavaScript web server
Each of these four technologies plays an important role in providing an end-to-end framework for the developers. Even these four technologies play an important role in the development process of web applications.
Before MERN stack, it was earlier named as MEAN stack, MERN Stack is one of the variations of MEAN, here MEAN is also comprises of four components or say four different technologies, i.e., M is for MongoDB, ' E ' is for Express, ' A ' is for Angular.js, and ' N ' is for Node, here if you will observe, then you can identify that in MEAN, ' A ', i.e., Angular.js is replaced by ' R ', i.e., React.js in MERN, the main reason behind is - MERN Stack is mainly used for faster development of smaller applications as compared with MEAN, MEAN stack is a mainly better option for large-scale applications. Still, it takes more time for the development of smaller applications. They also both have different structures comparatively.
What you'll learn:
MERN Stack Development
Working with AntD and Tailwind CSS Combinations
Working with complex Mongo DB queries
Trigger notifications functionality for all the actions
Bids / Quotes functionality for the products
Multiple images upload handling using Cloudinary , Multer and Node JS
Working with multiple user roles like Buyer , Seller , Admin
Every user role will have different user interface
Admin will the have the access to entire application , Seller will have the access to his own products and bids
Buyer can see the available products in the portal , filter the products , place the bids etc
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