Hi, Community,
This post will demonstrate how to display data on the web by using Embedded Python , Python Flask Web Framework and Jquery datatable
We will display processes from %SYS.ProcessQuery table.
Step 1: Add table to HTML page and write below javascript code to display passed data from app.py :
<table id="myTable" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
$(document).ready(function() {
// parse the data to local variable passed from app.py file
let my_data = JSON.parse('{{ my_data | tojson }}');
let my_cols = JSON.parse('{{ my_cols | tojson }}');
$('#myTable').DataTable( {
"data": my_data,
"columns": my_cols,"} );
} );
Step 2: Create python function in app.py file and define the route as defined below e.g we are creating processes function and defining /processes in the route:
from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template
import iris
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
#to render main index page
return render_template('index.html')
def processes():
#Define sql statement
mySql = '''
SELECT ID, NameSpace, Routine, LinesExecuted, GlobalReferences,
state, PidExternal, UserName, ClientIPAddress FROM %SYS.ProcessQuery ORDER BY NameSpace desc
#Calling embedded python iris.sql.exec class to get result set
resultSet = iris.sql.exec(mySql)
#Get dataframe by calling resultset dataframe function
dataframe = statement.dataframe()
#Convert and data to Json by using to_json dataframe method and json loads function
#Get columns details
my_cols=[{"title": str(col)} for col in json.loads(df.to_json(orient="split"))["columns"]]
#render html by passing my_data and my_cols variables which will be used to generate datatable
return render_template('tablesdata.html', my_data = my_data, my_cols = my_cols)
That's it. By using these 2 steps cache table data can be display on the web.
Read related documentations Embedded Python Overview.
For more details please review my openexchange iris-python-apps application
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