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Modern Programming Language

in our days we are in the modern world , in other word some say we are in technology era , most people are interested interested in programming. but the are sill wondering what to do to catch up and move their step ahead. so in this chapter am coming to share some programming language that can helps anyone at any time when is having passion in programming webdesign, so on web development we have two most important you can recognize front-end and let me start in web development core things you should understand in web development let me mind my self say HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT this programming is crucial need on front-end and on the part of back-end java,php etc there are many back-end programming language.

so let me start by explaining front-end and back-end, front end in few words its part where user experienced we can call it user interface for example on operating system like window when you open it you see the icon , images and other element that can direct user to meet their expectation.
And back-end is part where the programmer of the system put the logic that control the system or is an inner part of the system that user can not interact only knows by programmer of the system for example on the social media application like facebook. part you see and interact with is front-end and the inner part where you register you're information you can't interact with is back-end. so in a conclude this part front-end is user experienced things on the system and back-end is where programmer write their complex query that control their system.

The HTML in full means Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic that are used when u're going to make the application

And for CSS in full word is Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology when you're building you're application.

and Javascript is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.

for the back-end programming Java programs contain classes, which are used to define objects, and methods, which are assigned to individual classes. Java is also known for being more strict than C++, meaning variables and functions must be explicitly define.

PHP in full is hyper-text pre-processor is a script language and interpreter that is freely available and used primarily on Linux Web servers.

In a conclusion of this topic, i think i was trying to answer and clear understanding of front-end and back-end and giving go ahead to someone who need to start their load of programming and back-end there many but i try to use the popular language like java and php so it's your choice on the language according on back-end , but to know the basics on html,css and javascript its must on the guys who need to start their way in programming . thanks

Top comments (1)

kevinsamuel866 profile image

Thanks alot, very helpful