DEV Community

how to write a blog

sabbu giri on November 13, 2020

hello everyone, this is my first blog.
I'm very much confused about how to write a blog, what are the things should we write in order to make a blog, the things I've learned. I would be very grateful for any help you provide.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard β€’ β€’ Edited

I think you should focus on creating content first.
You are already on DEV, you already published one article,
so if I were you I would simply continue until you find an audience,
topics that you find interesting to write about, your voice.

The best thing is that once you have content in DEV, you can auto-generate your blog, see

This is exactly what I have done, I have written 50 articles in the last two years and created my own blog using Stackbit only now


isabbugiri profile image
sabbu giri β€’

I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much.

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel β€’

many people write what they learn.
sometimes I do that too.
but I only do it, when it was very hard to figure out. or when I see othere also have difficulty with that problem. Sometimes i have to share some opinion, where I think have a different perspective than others.

I try to get 700 to 1000 words, but this is not a hard rule.

The good thing is, in your articles, you make the rules.✌️

slava_varenia profile image
Viacheslav Varenia β€’

If you yourself have not decided what to write about, perhaps this article will help you. At least you will learn how to create great images for your articles.

isabbugiri profile image
sabbu giri β€’

Thank you so much..

psycoder01 profile image
Aakash Chaudhary β€’ β€’ Edited
  1. Use short but strong header which attracts people to read your post.
  2. Make your content more related to that header.
  3. GIFS, Pictures, external links can be added make your content look more legit .
  4. Language should be simple and sweet but yet more impactful to the user reading that blog post.

and so on. Learn from other people blog post and take some ideas from it.

isabbugiri profile image
sabbu giri β€’

I really appreciate your help. Thank you..

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe β€’

Agreed with all of the advice here. The good news is, you don't have to worry about strict rules with platforms like Dev. You can try different things and write about different ideas/topics, there is no required format!

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T β€’

Blogging is just sharing what you have learned. Below are my 5 steps:

  1. Learn something new.
  2. Take important notes while learning.
  3. Turn your notes into human readable sentences .
  4. Add some pictures and reference if required.
  5. Publish it.

Some technical blog References:

aditisneh profile image
Aditi Sneh β€’

Hey i would like you to suggest try Blogspot , its super easy to learn and explore. You van maintain your site like and one more thing if you are good enough at writing articles, you can make money out of it very easily. Second little bit adavanced option would be . It's same as blogspot but you need some tuitorials to command wordpress. But believe me , if you are working hard enough, its gonna be something fruitful enough.

isabbugiri profile image
sabbu giri β€’

thank you so much :)

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev β€’
isabbugiri profile image
sabbu giri β€’

I really appreciate your help. Thank you..