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Random Thoughts #1

It sucks. I've made my to improve my writing and help document stuff I've learned. Days pass by, my account is still barren. So here I am, taking my first step.

It's still hard though. My thoughts are resisting to be turned into written form. I do know this will get easier as long as I keep doing it. I sincerely apologize in advance for the unwary who reads my stuff. That aside, here are my incoherent ramblings:


I understand now why it's hard and "fun" to get into it. Vim/Nvim and it's plugin ecosystem is so config heavy compared to VSCode, WebStorm, SublimeText, etc. Be prepared to read a lot of different github repos, etc. Its flexibility is its greatest strength and its greatest weakness (Especially if you want to code). That aside, it's also "fun". That feeling when you finall sort out your complex plugin setup and make them work tight w/ other plugins is a RUSHHHHHH. I do think it's making me feel that I did something productive πŸ˜…

Duel Masters Roguelike

It's an idea I have for a while now after seeing (Pokemon Roguelike). Duel Masters is a card game. It's a spin off of Magic the Gathering. A lot of Duel Masters mechanics are simplified versions of Magic the Gathering's.

I'm building this version in JavaScript first since I'm bad with TypeScript. Just like Pokerogue. It will also feature mechanics from Legends Of Runeterra's Path Of Champions mode and probably some from Slay the Spire. For the cards, I will only focus on DM-01 Base Set and DM-02 Evo-Crushinators of Doom. That's about 180 cards.

That's all for now. Ciao!

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