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Ishwor Subedi
Ishwor Subedi

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Guide to Image Upscaling: Exploring GANs, Diffusion Models (LDSR), and OpenCV Methods

Hi, hello, and welcome! In this blog, we will explore various image upscaling techniques, examining and experimenting with different methods. We’ll compare the results to understand the core concepts and effectiveness of each approach. So, let’s dive in and get started!

Here, we will be discussing different image upscaling techniques, including:

  1. GAN-Based Image Upscaling Techniques

    • ESRGAN (Enhanced Super-Resolution GAN)
    • RESRGAN4+ (Residual Enhanced Super-Resolution GAN)
    • NMKD (Not My Kind of Dream)
    • Superscale
  2. Diffusion Architecture Upscaling

    • LDSR (Latent Diffusion Super Resolution)
  3. OpenCV Techniques








ESRGAN (Enhanced Super-Resolution GAN)

How ESRGAN Works:

  • ESRGAN is built on the GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) framework, designed to enhance image resolution by generating high-quality details from low-resolution inputs. It employs a deep residual network to refine the image through multiple convolutional layers, learning from a large dataset of high-resolution images.

Key Focus:

  • The primary focus of ESRGAN is to improve texture and detail in upscaled images. By leveraging advanced network architectures and loss functions, ESRGAN aims to produce realistic and visually appealing results with sharp textures.


  • ESRGAN’s architecture includes a series of residual blocks that help preserve image details and improve quality. The model consists of a generator that creates high-resolution images and a discriminator that ensures the generated images are realistic by comparing them to actual high-resolution images.

Loss Functions:

  • Perceptual Loss: Measures differences in high-level features between the generated and original high-resolution images, focusing on texture and detail.
  • Adversarial Loss: Ensures the generated images are realistic by training the generator to fool the discriminator into thinking the images are real.

Best For:

  • ESRGAN is ideal for enhancing artistic images and photographs where maintaining fine details and textures is crucial.

Time Taken on RTX 4000 GPU:

  • ESRGAN typically processes images in a few minutes, depending on their resolution and complexity.

RESRGAN4 (Residual Enhanced Super-Resolution GAN)

How RESRGAN4 Works:

  • RESRGAN4 extends the ESRGAN framework with additional layers and improved residual blocks, aimed at refining image upscaling capabilities. It builds on ESRGAN’s approach but focuses on reducing artifacts and enhancing image sharpness further.

Key Focus:

  • RESRGAN4’s key focus is on achieving superior detail recovery and reducing artifacts in high-resolution images, providing even finer and more accurate results compared to its predecessors.


  • This variant enhances the ESRGAN architecture by incorporating additional residual blocks and layers, which improve the network’s ability to capture and generate high-quality textures and details.

Loss Functions:

  • Enhanced Perceptual Loss: Provides a more refined measurement of high-level feature differences.
  • Advanced Adversarial Loss: Optimizes the generator to produce images that better mimic real high-resolution visuals, minimizing artifacts.

Best For:
RESRGAN4 is well-suited for applications requiring the highest level of detail and artifact reduction, such as detailed artwork or high-resolution textures.

Time Taken on RTX 4000 GPU:

  • Processing times are similar to ESRGAN, generally a few minutes per image.

NMKD (Not My Kind of Dream)

How NMKD Works:

  • NMKD uses a GAN-based approach similar to ESRGAN but incorporates unique modifications to the network architecture and training process to enhance image quality and reduce common artifacts.

Key Focus:

  • NMKD focuses on delivering high-resolution images with minimal distortions and artifacts, using a distinct combination of loss functions to improve overall image quality.


  • The NMKD model features a GAN architecture with modifications aimed at reducing artifacts and improving the fidelity of the generated images. It uses specialized layers and training techniques to refine image details.

Loss Functions:

  • Content Loss: Ensures structural accuracy by comparing generated images to original high-resolution images.
  • Adversarial Loss: Encourages the generator to produce images that are indistinguishable from real high-resolution images.

Best For:
NMKD is ideal for applications where reducing artifacts and enhancing image realism are priorities.

Time Taken on RTX 4000 GPU:
Typically processes images in a few minutes, depending on the resolution and model configuration.


How Superscale Works:

  • Superscale employs advanced deep learning models to upscale images, using a combination of convolutional networks and interpolation methods to enhance resolution while preserving details.

Key Focus:

  • The main focus of Superscale is to achieve high-quality image upscaling with attention to detail preservation and noise reduction.


  • Superscale combines convolutional neural networks with advanced interpolation techniques to refine and upscale images, ensuring high fidelity and clarity in the output.

Loss Functions:

  • Content Loss: Ensures that the upscaled image maintains structural integrity.
  • Perceptual Loss: Enhances image quality by comparing high-level features.

Best For:

  • Superscale is suitable for applications requiring detailed and high-quality image upscaling, including professional photography and high-definition media.

Time Taken on RTX 4000 GPU:
Processing time varies but generally takes a few minutes per image, similar to other deep learning models.

LDSR (Latent Diffusion Super Resolution)

How LDSR Works:

  • LDSR leverages latent diffusion models to perform image upscaling. It compresses images into a lower-dimensional latent space and applies diffusion processes to enhance resolution while maintaining image details.

Key Focus:

  • LDSR focuses on efficient image upscaling with a strong emphasis on maintaining detail and reducing artifacts through iterative refinement in the latent space.


  • LDSR’s architecture involves a latent space representation where images are refined through iterative denoising steps, allowing for high-quality upscaling with lower computational demands.

Loss Functions:

  • Latent Space Loss: Measures differences within the latent space to refine image quality.
  • Perceptual Loss: Ensures that the upscaled image retains high-level features and details.

Best For:

  • LDSR is ideal for applications requiring efficient and high-quality image upscaling with a focus on detail preservation and artifact reduction.

Time Taken on RTX 4000 GPU:
Typically processes images in a few minutes, making it an efficient choice for high-resolution tasks.

OpenCV Techniques

How OpenCV Techniques Work:

  • OpenCV provides traditional methods for image upscaling through various interpolation techniques, each with different trade-offs in quality and performance.

Key Focus:

  • These methods focus on resizing images using mathematical techniques to balance quality and computational efficiency.


  • INTER_AREA: Uses pixel area relation for resampling; effective for downscaling and minimal quality loss.
  • INTER_LINEAR: Bilinear interpolation method; balances quality and performance by averaging pixel values.
  • INTER_CUBIC: Uses cubic convolution interpolation for smoother results; provides higher quality at the expense of computational time.

Best For:

  • OpenCV techniques are suitable for applications requiring fast and straightforward image resizing with acceptable quality, such as real-time processing and basic image adjustments.

Time Taken on RTX 4000 GPU:

  • Processing times are generally very fast, often taking only a few seconds per image due to the simplicity of the interpolation methods.

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