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Little Little

Days have past sleeping on the park bench seems like sleeping on rocks, the money i earned last night will be enough to buy a night tent but thinking of it , is it worth it. I mean i have already spent more than a few days on the bench and it isn't that bad making me think i cant waste the bills i earned with hardship on not of worth brands.
Will have to think of something else than selling water on beach takes lot of time to earn a few bucks plus you have to slay your ass under sunset for literally half a day. Maybe selling ice creams will be worth a chance will have to buy ice and bucket to keep them cold , fine if God wants me to suffer like this then why not suffer?
The world doesn't seems like a helpful place after all this heaven has devils walking around everywhere dressed like a human. Have you ever thought these people slaying there ass to get some dollars will help you , don't get angry are you slaying your ass off so that your boss can take all of your work credits. It is what it is after all am not the one depending on others look around yourself note that its not the wings that the devil is hiding its the horn he doesn't wants you to notice.
Sometimes a beggar is more helpful than the king at least the differences between you and the beggar are less than the mountain of differences between you and the king. Think before choosing.

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