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Store your files securley in decentralized cloud storage

We all daily use different cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox or one drive to store our files and share with our colleagues and friends.

What if i say that According to Googles terms & condition, Google does not own user-uploaded files to Google Drive, but the company can do whatever it likes with them.

Sometimes the users may also encounter down time or some errors in uploading the files in these centralized cloud storages.

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The storage space is also very less in these platfroms.

To overcome all these problems, Today i am going to introduce you with the STORJ-DCS (Decentralized cloud storage).

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Now let's get into some practical stuff enough of theory.

You can store files upto 150GB for free in STORJ-DCS.
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We are going to upload files on storj cloud storage.

Let's talk how storj work before uploading the files.

When an object is uploaded into Storj DCS, it is default encrypted, split up into 80 or more pieces and distributed across thousands of diverse nodes and ISPs in nearly 100 countries. There is no single point of failure or centralized location meaning outages, downtime, bitrot, ransomware and data breaches are virtually impossible. If a node goes offline for any reason, your file can be reconstituted from just 29 of its distributed pieces.

  1. Now search storj on your web browser and click on the link. you will be redirected to the following page:-

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2.Click on start for free. Now you will be redirected to the following page:-

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3.Fill the details and you will be redirected to the following page:-

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4.Now check your mail and verify. you will be redirected to the following page:-

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5.Fill your details and click on login.You will be redirected to:-

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6.Now click on upload in browser.
You will be redirected to:-

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7.Now click on continue and save the encryption key(This key is very important, you have to use it every time you try to open the files).

Now you will be redirected to following page.
8.Enter your bucket name and click on create bucket:-
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Now you will redirected to following page:-

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9.Now Click on upload and choose the files you want to upload:-

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Now you will see the files uploaded:-

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Now you will get a slide from the right side showing the link of the files.

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9.Copy that link and paste it in your browser. Your file should be visible.

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That's it!!!

Click on Dashboard and see the stats of your storage.

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You can store files upto 150GB for free, each project contains 50GB free space and you can create upto 3 projects for free, so total 150GB free space.

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