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Scheduling Events in Firebase Firestore with Server Timestamps

At, we have developed over 30 applications using technologies like Next.js and Firebase. Throughout these projects, we have leveraged Firebase's powerful features, particularly Firestore, to handle real-time data management efficiently. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use Firebase Firestore to add documents with server timestamps, specifically focusing on scheduling events.

Understanding the Code

The provided code snippet demonstrates how to create a new document in the Firestore database under the collection 'events'. Here’s a breakdown of each part of the code:

// Add a document with server timestamp
const db = firebase.firestore();
  name: 'Webinar',
  startTime: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
}).then(docRef => {
  console.log('Event scheduled with ID: ',;
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Error scheduling event: ', error);
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  • firebase.firestore(): This function initializes the Firestore service.

  • db.collection('events'): Specifies the 'events' collection where the document will be added.

  • add({...}): Adds a new document to the collection. The document contains two fields: 'name' and 'startTime'. The 'name' field is a simple string that describes the event, while 'startTime' is a special field that uses firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(), telling Firestore to fill this field with the server's current timestamp at the moment of document creation.

  • .then(docRef => {...}): This callback function is executed when the document is successfully added. It logs the unique identifier of the document (

  • .catch(error => {...}): If there is any error during the document creation, this callback function captures and logs the error.

Benefits of Using Server Timestamps

Server timestamps are incredibly useful because they ensure the synchronization of times recorded in the database, regardless of the client's local time settings. This is crucial for applications such as scheduling events, where accuracy and consistency of time are essential across different users and devices.

Practical Uses

Using server timestamps in event scheduling helps in maintaining consistency across time zones and devices, making the application reliable for users globally. This setup is ideal for various applications like online webinars, meeting schedulers, and appointment booking systems.


The ability to add events with server timestamps using Firestore is just a glimpse of what Firebase can do to enhance real-time data handling in web applications. If you are interested to see this code and similar functionalities in action, visit some of our apps at Words Translated Across Different Languages, Online English Word Search Tool, and Instant Webcam Testing Online. These tools demonstrate the power of integrating Firebase with modern web applications.

Delving into Firebase for your projects not only simplifies backend management but also accelerates development, making real-time interactions seamless and more efficient.

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