I finished building my NodeJS app. Next step is to deploy it to some cloud server.
In this tutorial I will guide you how to setup and deploy nodejs application for production to ubuntu cloud.
We will be using Vultr cloud for this deployment. Vultr is simple and easy to get started.
Here are the list of steps that we need, in order to complete the setup process
- Create and start a droplet
- Login to that droplet
- Install NodeJS
- Configure timezone
- Install Database (MongoDB)
- Setup nginx and build-essentials
- Copy project files
- Install node modules
- Setup & Start PM2
- Enable https
Create and start a droplet
Head to https://www.vultr.com and create a Vultr account.
Login to Vultr panel and create the droplet. for a nodejs project it is recommended to go for 2GB RAM droplet
Choose a region closer to your target audience location
Select UBUNTU 18.x as the operating system
Login to that droplet
The droplet creation will take somewhere between 1โ3 minutes. Upon completion, it will be assigned with an IP Address
Option-1 (Using password)
Copy that IP Address and in your command prompt type ssh root@YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
e.g. ssh root@
Enter the password and you must be logged in as root
Option-2 (Using a public/private key pair)
e.g. ssh -i D:/ssh/key-file.ppk root@
key-file.ppk is your private key
Install NodeJS
Get the node source and install it
sudo curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs -y
Configure timezone
This is essential when you deal with dates in your application
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata # Add timezone as Kolkata
Install Database (MongoDB)
Create a list file for MongoDB
echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu bionic/mongodb-org/4.2 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.2.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
Start MongoDB Service
sudo service mongod start
Edit the mongod.config
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
Change line 23 to bindIp:
sudo service mongod restart
Setup nginx and build-essentials
Why nginx?
We will use nginx as a reverse proxy as well as a server to serve static files. This gives us advantage like
- https
- caching
- abstraction
- speed
- reduces nodejs load
- load balancing
sudo apt-get install nginx -y
sudo service nginx restart
Install build-essentials
sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
Copy project files
We can use Filezilla to upload our project files to /var/www/litekart folder
Install node modules
Navigate to /var/www/litekart and run
npm i --production
Setup PM2
Why PM2?
In production environment we are going to use PM2. Because NodeJS commands are valid for that terminal session and kills the server once terminal session ends. To overcome this issue we are going to use a process manager that will demonize the node process and will keep it running for ever
sudo npm install -g pm2
sudo pm2 --name litekart start npm -- start
The above will install PM2, execute npm start command of the project and start a PM2 process named litekart
Enable https
Our NodeJS app is up and running. Now we need to enable https which is a mandatory requirement now a days. We are going to use a free https certificate from Certbot. Run the following command and follow the instructions
sudo certbot --nginx certonly
The installed certificate is valid for 6 months. We need to setup auto renewal of the https certificate through cron job
crontab -e
Enter the following at the end
@monthly /home/ubuntu/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto certonly --reinstall --nginx -d www.litekart.in && sudo service nginx reload
This article was originally published on The Angularcode.
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