I was already a huge fan of IntelliJ Ultimate's Database Tool Window; however, today I found a gem hiding further down in the context menu: Scripted Extensions.
What brought me there in the first place was that I wanted to generate some bare-bones POJOs that were Lombok @Data
annotated and had simple JPA @Column
fields for use with JOOQ. IntelliJ Ultimate comes with a Scripted Extension, Generate POJOs.groovy
, that got pretty close. So, I started with that and created a copy of that file...
...with this content:
import com.intellij.database.model.DasTable | |
import com.intellij.database.util.Case | |
import com.intellij.database.util.DasUtil | |
/* | |
* Derived from "Generate POJOs.groovy" provided by IntelliJ base install | |
* Available context bindings: | |
* SELECTION Iterable<DasObject> | |
* PROJECT project | |
* FILES files helper | |
*/ | |
typeMapping = [ | |
(~/(?i)int/) : "long", | |
(~/(?i)float|double|decimal|real/): "double", | |
(~/(?i)datetime|timestamp/) : "java.sql.Timestamp", | |
(~/(?i)date/) : "java.sql.Date", | |
(~/(?i)time/) : "java.sql.Time", | |
(~/(?i)/) : "String" | |
] | |
nullables = [ | |
'long': 'Long', | |
'double': 'Double' | |
] | |
FILES.chooseDirectoryAndSave("Choose directory", "Choose where to store generated files") { File dir -> | |
def packageName = "fixme" | |
def srcMainJavaIndex = dir.path.indexOf("src/main/java/") | |
if (srcMainJavaIndex >= 0) { | |
packageName = dir.path.substring(srcMainJavaIndex+14) | |
.replaceAll("[/\\\\]", ".") | |
} | |
SELECTION.filter { it instanceof DasTable }.each { generate(it, dir, packageName) } | |
} | |
def generate(table, File dir, packageName) { | |
String className = javaName(table.getName(), true) | |
def fields = calcFields(table) | |
new File(dir, className + ".java").withPrintWriter { out -> generate(out, packageName, className, fields) } | |
} | |
static def generate(out, packageName, className, fields) { | |
out.println "package $packageName;" | |
out.println "" | |
out.println "import javax.persistence.Column;" | |
out.println "import lombok.Data;" | |
out.println "" | |
out.println "@Data" | |
out.println "public class $className {" | |
fields.each() { | |
if (it.annos != "") out.println " ${it.annos}" | |
out.println " ${it.type} ${it.name};" | |
} | |
out.println "}" | |
} | |
def calcFields(table) { | |
DasUtil.getColumns(table).reduce([]) { fields, col -> | |
def spec = Case.LOWER.apply(col.getDataType().getSpecification()) | |
def typeStr = typeMapping.find { p, t -> p.matcher(spec).find() }.value | |
// nullable and primitive? | |
if (!col.notNull && nullables.containsKey(typeStr)) { | |
typeStr = nullables.get(typeStr) | |
} | |
def columnParams = [ | |
"name = \"${col.getName()}\"" | |
] | |
if (col.notNull) { | |
columnParams += "nullable = false" | |
} | |
//noinspection GroovyUnusedAssignment | |
fields += [[ | |
name : javaName(col.getName(), false), | |
type : typeStr, | |
annos: "@Column(${columnParams.join(", ")})"]] | |
} | |
} | |
def javaName(str, capitalize) { | |
String s = com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.NameUtil.splitNameIntoWords(str) | |
.collect { Case.LOWER.apply(it).capitalize() } | |
.join("") | |
.replaceAll(/[^\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}[_]]/, "_") | |
if (s == "Class") { | |
s = "TheClass" | |
} | |
capitalize || s.length() == 1? s : Case.LOWER.apply(s[0]) + s[1..-1] | |
} |
Now I can select tables, right-click, and run the extension:
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