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Jacob Stern
Jacob Stern

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Day 24 / 100 Days of Code: Inlining Weekly Posts for a Smoother Journey

Wed, July 24, 2024

Hey everyone! ๐ŸŒŸ

Iโ€™m merging my weekly posts with my daily posts to keep things tidy and because Codecademy lessons don't currently support advanced prospectives.

Responsive design can be a bit of a puzzle ๐Ÿงฉ, and after wrestling with my latest assignment, I realized I need to take a step back. Instead of tackling all the HTML at once and then all the CSS, Iโ€™m breaking it down section by section. This way, I can focus on one piece at a time and really nail it before moving on.

This approach is already helping me spot areas in my previous code that need a little love. Iโ€™ve been checking out some of my classmatesโ€™ visual designs for inspiration, but am holding off on reviewing their code until Iโ€™ve got my own sorted out. Itโ€™s all about finding my way!

Thanks for following along on my coding journey. Stay tuned for more updates!

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