I believe this is pretty close to the halfway point of the hackathon now, so I wanted to provide an update. You can find the project at
an open source platform for creators to share their work while getting monetized
Where creative works can generate money
The hope of this project is to allow users to create, manage, and host web sites that allow them to expose their talent in exchange for simple monetization.
How Web Monetization Works
The platform will extensively use the web monetization standard to allow for payments. The standard utilizes micro-payments which can be used to unlock content. More about web monetization can be found at the web monetization web page.
The project is a work in progress and as I create more documentation this page will be updated. For now the stack will be:
- Vue.js
- Express
- MongoDB (accessed through Mongoose)
- Auth0 (for authentication)
During the first part of the creation of the application, which I have foolishly called Incinicreator, I have kept a good pace to be able to finish by the end of the hackathon. This may seem trivial, but one of the number one things that can go wrong on a project is scoping and/or pacing making it impossible to finish by the deadline. My initial idea is still intact, but some of the implementation details are starting to shift.
First of all, the stack has been confirmed as Node.js with Express for the server and MongoDB for datastore. Authentication is being provided from Auth0. Front end deployment is being handled by Vue.js. I was nervous with the Vue.js at the start since I have never used it before, but I wanted this hackathon to be a way for me to learn a new skill (along with the knowledge of web monetization platform). Google Cloud Platform is where I am currently working to store user data. Over the last 2 days, I have been researching how to get the data stored and protected.
So far I have been happy with Vue.js. The learning process isn't very complicated and the way views and components are built seems to be intuitive. I have enjoyed building the pages out for my application so far. Also, the Auth0 authorization script makes the route protection simple.
I am starting on the back stretches now. I am working on the user interaction for uploads and beginning testing of that. After that, I will just need to build up template sites for creative users to select from and, finally, to finish the help page to assist with getting wallets setup. I believe this should be able to be completed by the end of the coming week, allowing me plenty of time for testing and security assurance. With enough time, in the end, I hope to have a user dashboard where they can see page hits, monetization stats, which works are the most popular, etc.
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