A functional domain model is made of pure functions and immutable types. As Domain Driven Design teaches us, it should be expressed in the language shared by everyone involved in the project.
Pure functions
A pure function always returns the same result given the same arguments.
Pure function
Here are the fundamental properties of a pure function:
A function returns exactly the same result every time it's called with the same set of arguments. In other words a function has no state, nor can it access any external state. Every time you call it, it behaves like a newborn baby with blank memory and no knowledge of the external world.
A function has no side effects. Calling a function once is the same as calling it twice and discarding the result of the first call.
Bartosz Milewski, School of Haskell
Pure functions are calculations.
Here's an example of a pure function:
funexecute(command:Command):Event=when(command){isSayHello->MessagePublished("Hello ${command.recipientName}.")isSayGoodbye->MessagePublished("See you later ${command.recipientName}!")}
Pure function example
It doesn’t matter how many times we call the execute function above, as long as we call it with the same command we will always get the same message back.
An immutable data structure cannot be changed after its instance was created.
Here's an example of an immutable type:
data classMessagePublished(valmessage:String):Event
Immutable type example
Once initialised, its properties cannot be changed:
valevent=MessagePublished("Hello!")// Won't compile: "Val cannot be reassigned"event.message="New message"
Since we used val to store the reference to the object, it cannot be reassigned either:
valevent=MessagePublished("Hello!")// Won't compile: "Val cannot be reassigned"event=MessagePublished("Bye")
Instead of modifying an immutable instance we need to create a new one:
valevent=MessagePublished("Hello!")valnewEvent=event.copy(message="Bye!")// or:// val newEvent = MessagePublished("Bye")assert(MessagePublished("Hello!")==event)assert(MessagePublished("Bye!")==newEvent)
Modifying immutable data
Nothing gets close to the joy of writing tests for pure functions that work with immutable data structures.
We pass the input and then verify the output.
The good old Arrange-Act-Assert, a.k.a. Given-When-Then, is so evident.
@Testfun`itsayshello`(){valcommand=SayHello("John")valevent=execute(command)assertEquals(MessagePublished("Hello John."),event)}@Testfun`itsaysgoodbye`(){valcommand=SayGoodbye("Sue")valevent=execute(command)assertEquals(MessagePublished("See you later Sue!"),event)}
Test examples
This kind of tests are easiest to write, a joy to read, and the fastest to execute.
Reasoning scope
When considered in a narrow scope of a single function call, neither mutable types nor functions with side effects have a big impact on our reasoning or testing. They're manageable with a bit of discipline.
Function accessing a mutable state
However, it gets more complicated in the wider context of the application.
Multiple functions accessing the same mutable state
If mutable data or its reference is shared, it could be changed from (m)any part(s) of the application. Similarly, if a function has side effects, its effects can be seen elsewhere. The order of calls starts to matter as well.
Immutable types and pure functions narrow down the scope of change. State changes are local to the place that triggered them and need to be explicitly passed up or down.
That helps with reasoning, as in our head we can now confidently replace the function call with its result (see referential transparency and equational reasoning).
Referential transparency illustrated
Error handling
One last thing to consider in a functional domain model is our attitude to error cases.
A common approach is to use exceptions.
Unfortunately, exceptions cripple our reasoning ability, similarly to mutable types or side-effect functions, as they break referential transparency. Exceptions are in a way a form of non-local GOTO since they allow to jump up the stack out of the normal execution flow. These properties go against our functional model.
An exception seen breaking an application
Therefore, it's good to make a distinction between domain errors, and infrastructure or panic errors (see types of errors). The first are expected while the latter are mostlyexceptions.
Unchecked exceptions are not part of the function's signature, so without looking into the function's body we won't know what kind of errors to expect. The caller could be totally oblivious and ignore exceptions altogether.
Domain Driven Design teaches us to express the domain model in the language shared by everyone involved in the project.
If we make the domain types and functions rich in domain vocabulary, there's no translation needed in discussions with the business. In fact, using the same vocabulary we put into the code to talk to the stakeholders is a form of validating the domain model. They’ll catch any discrepancies in the language we use.
Furthermore, if we make illegal states unrepresentable, types become self-documenting. Limited options encoded in a rich model make for an improved ability to reason about it, and therefore maintain or change it.
The domain model is arguably the most important layer in an application. It should also be where complexity is tackled. After all, that's where business decisions live and that's what makes our application distinctive.
Making the domain model functional helps to reduce the complexity and concentrate it inside the model. Any impure operations will be pushed to the boundaries of the system. What's pushed outside might not be necessarily trivial, but it will be mostly business-decision-free code that deals with side effects.
I/O Sandwich
Hopefully, we'll end up with a code base that's less prone to errors, easier to understand and maintain, and effortless to test.
I find that a functional domain model plays really well with event sourcing. That's what we're going to look at in the next post.
Thank you for the article.
Do you think is useful that the domain defines the services (use cases) contracts?
The implementation would compose pure and impure code like DB queries or emailing effects.
Quality focussed software engineer, architect, and trainer. Friends call me Kuba.
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Quality focussed software engineer, architect, and trainer. Friends call me Kuba.
Open for work. Get in touch for consultancy, training or software development.
Quality focussed software engineer, architect, and trainer. Friends call me Kuba.
Open for work. Get in touch for consultancy, training or software development.
Quality focussed software engineer, architect, and trainer. Friends call me Kuba.
Open for work. Get in touch for consultancy, training or software development.
Top comments (9)
Thank you for the article.
Do you think is useful that the domain defines the services (use cases) contracts?
The implementation would compose pure and impure code like DB queries or emailing effects.
No, I didn't find it useful on my last project. The contract is usually defined on the consumer side.
However, in the past, I'd do that with repository interfaces. I don't have them anymore (they're replaced with function types for queries).
Great definition. I think I'm going to try to bring it into Elixir world.
Thank you. You have no idea how many times I have rephrased it to simplify!
Nice article, well written and citing sources that enriched the content. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for taking time to comment!
Nice explanation :)
How did you draw those diagrams?
Thanks! I have no drawing skills. Anything that comes out of excalidraw.com looks good.
Python version of the code: github.com/dclimber/masterming-pyt...
Thanks a lot for the article series! :)