React js is one of the most popular libraries for web development, it ranked on to 40% of the most popular library. It is most popular among developers for native or single-page mobile applications. Infact most popular applications like Netflix, Salesforce, and Reddit, are made using this platform. This post discusses some of the best UI frameworks you can use for your new React.js app
UI in reactjs is time saving as there one doesn't have to create a custom UI, also it is easy to integrate with and helps developers in in managing the content.
5 Most Popular Framework in Reactjs
1) Material UI:
2) Ant Design:
3) Semantic UI React
4) Chakra UI:
5) Fluent UI:
These are the most widely accepted Recatjs framework, because they are simple to use. Reactjs is undoubtedly one of the most popular framework among the developers.
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