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Abstract Contract and Interfaces in Solidity

Abstract Contract

An abstract contract is one that cannot be deployed by itself. An abstract contract must be inherited by another contract. An abstract contract is somewhat similar to an interface but there exist some differences between them. An abstract contract can defined functions signature and can also have implementation for some of its functions.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
abstract contract SayHello {
    uint256 public age;
    constructor(uint256 _age ){
        age = _age;

    function getAge() public virtual view returns (uint256){
        return age;
    function setAge(uint256 _age) public virtual {}
    function makeMeSayHello() public  pure returns (string memory) 
        return "Hello";
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The above contract SayHello has four functions of which one of them setAge is a function signature which an inheriting contract can choose to implement. The abstract contract above can not be deployed on its own like a normal contract. It has to be inherited. The contract has a constructor function and you can also defined state variables on an abstract contract like you will do for a normal contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
abstract contract SayHello {
    uint256 public age;
    constructor(uint256 _age ){
        age = _age;

    function getAge() public virtual view returns (uint256){
        return age;
    function setAge(uint256 _age) public virtual {}
    function makeMeSayHello() public  pure returns (string memory) 
        return "Hello";

contract Hello is SayHello {
    string public name;
    constructor(string memory _name  ,uint256  _age)  
     SayHello(_age) {
       name = _name;

    function setName(string memory _name ) public {
        name = _name;

    function getName() public view returns (string memory){
        return name;

    function getAge() public override virtual view returns 
        return 67;

    function setAge(uint256 _age ) public override virtual {
        age = _age;
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In the solidity contract above, our contract Hello is inheriting the abstract contract SayHello. The abstract contract SayHello has a constructor function which the inheriting contract Hello calls in its own constructor. The Hello contract can choose to override all the functions of the abstract contract with its own implementation but an inheriting contract like the Hello contract must at least implement one function of the abstract contract or it will be marked as abstract.


An interface is similar to an abstract contract as it must be inherited by another contract like the abstract contract. An interface functions visibility must be marked as external. It cannot have a constructor neither can it declare state variables.

sample interface implementation

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface ISayHello {
    function getAge() external view returns (uint256);
    function setAge(uint256 _age) external view returns (uint256);
    function makeMeSayHello() external view returns (string memory); 
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An interface must not inherit from another contract or interface and an inheriting contract must implement all the functions of that interface.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
interface ISayHello {
    function getAge() external view returns (uint256);
    function setAge(uint256 _age) external ;
    function makeMeSayHello() external view returns (string memory); 

contract HelloAgain is ISayHello {
   uint256 public age;
    function getAge() public pure override returns (uint256) {
      return 33;
   function setAge(uint256 _age) public override {
      age = _age;
   function makeMeSayHello() public pure override returns (string memory) {
      return "Hello again";
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The function HelloAgain inherits the interface ISayHello which must override and implement all the functions of the interface. If any of the function is not overridden, the compiler complains and ask you to mark the inheriting contract as abstract.

Difference between abstract contract and an interface

  • An interface cannot have a constructor while an abstract contract can implement one.
  • An interface cannot define state variables but an abstract contract can.
  • An inheriting contract must implement all the functions defined in an interface while in an abstract contract the inheriting contract must implement at least one function of the abstract contract.
  • An abstract contract can inherit from another contract or abstract contract while an interface cannot inherit from a contract or another interface.

Interfaces and abstract contracts are arsenals in our toolkit that we could use for the development of smart contracts.

Thanks for reading...

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