DEV Community

Janel Brandon (she/her)
Janel Brandon (she/her)

Posted on

The power of teaching

I've always loved to teach, even when I was in primary school. I recently realised that one reason I love it so much is because of how it deepens my own understanding of a subject.

Most of us here are learning new things every day - a new language, a new library, a new framework, a new design paradigm, a new development process, deploying on a new hardware technology ... there is so much to explore! Whatever it is that you are learning now, make teaching a part of your learning.

Write a tutorial, make a video, write a blog post, give a lightening talk at your next local meetup. Submit a paper to a conference, volunteer to do a lunch and learn at work.

When we have to prepare something to use to teach others, or to explain what we know or have done, we exponentially deepen our own understanding of that topic. What I've realised recently is that this, more than anything else I do, contributes to how quickly I learn and master new things!

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