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Let's go opensource

The other days, I watched clips of CEOs of big companies being called out in court and asked tremendous questions - some very absurd. Most of that concerns privacy and safety online. I did not do extra research but at least there doesn't seem to occur much regarding open-source software.

To me, open-source is more than a free software/platform that allows everyone to access/utilize it in exchange for personal data being tracked or receiving overwhelming advertisements. It is something that is completely free/open and thrives through community spirit and contribution.

So I thought of making a change starting with myself. Of course, I have been using open-source software/tools for some time but I am still using some propriety software. I know I can't eliminate entirely but I'm gonna do as much as I can.

For instance, I switched from writing articles on a platform that requires a paid membership to read and start writing here in this community.

I have been using Linux distributions since I was in my college years which is almost around 6 years.

I switched from Chrome to Firefox for better privacy. I am exploring the option still.

I switched from vscode to codium which is an open-source version of vscode.

Most of the programming languages are open-source which I am very grateful for. I hope we can utilize such programming languages to build free and open software as well.

There are some many more that I couldn't list them all.
Let me know if you have any recommended tools I can benefit from.

Now that I am a user of those software/tools, it is also a time for me to contribute back to the community. For the past year, I have contributed to a few projects. I am keeping my eyes on projects of interest and am ready to give back.

As I once read somewhere: Learn, Earn and Return

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