
Jan Küster 🔥
Jan Küster 🔥

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Here are some JavaScript repos for you to contribute at Hacktoberfest you might not know yet

It's Hacktoberfest! ⌨️
Looking to contribute to open source at #Hacktoberfest2022? Mainly #JavaScript? 🤔
Here are some projects you might not know yet that could be a good entry point:


Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern web applications.
It provides a full stack and integrates with many of your favourite frontend technologies.

GitHub logo meteor / meteor

Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform

Travis CI Status CircleCI Status built with Meteor node-current Discord Twitter Follow

Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern web applications.

📚 Create your applications using modern JavaScript

Benefit from the latest technology updates to rapidly prototype and develop your applications.

Integrate technologies you already use

Use popular frameworks and tools right out-of-the-box. Focus on building features instead of configuring disparate components yourself.

💻 Build apps for any device

Use the same code whether you’re developing for web, iOS, Android, or desktop for a seamless update experience for your users.

🔥 Getting Started

How about trying a tutorial to get started with your favorite technology?

🚀 Quick Start

On your platform, use this line:

> npx meteor
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🚀 To create a project:

> meteor create
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☄️ Run it:

cd my-app
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🧱 Developer Resources

Building an application with Meteor?


CLAIRE is a classroom management, enriched with reflexive processes.
It is designed to emphasize on methods and interactions with a high reflexive outcome in students and teachers.

GitHub logo classroom-interaction-environment / claire

Classroom Interaction Realtime Environment

CLAIRE - The Classroom Interaction Runtime Environment

built with Meteor Test suite CodeQL JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub

CLAIRE is a classroom management, enriched with reflexive processes It is designed to emphasize on methods and interactions with a high reflexive outcome in students and teachers.

It encourages non-behaviouristic teaching by being as unopinionated as possible when it comes to any action within the classroom:

  • teachers can design a fully detailed list of phases for a lesson but there is no determinism forcing them to execute their lesson in this sequence
  • teachers can freely activate / deactivate learning material for students and the beamer at any moment of an active lesson
  • students are free to skip any interaction
  • teachers and students can create artifacts together, based on student's replies and reflexive discourse
  • the system does not enforce to reveal the identity an answer's respondent to the rest of the class

Watch the technical overview video from Meteor Impact 2021:

CLAIRE | Meteor Impact 2021 - Day 1

Direct link:

Our mission is to bring elementary literacy development to the digital space to allow ubiquitous and anonymous learning and diagnostics of someone's literacy. developers · GitHub

Our mission is to bring elementary literacy development to the digital space to allow ubiquitous and anonymous learning and diagnostics of someone's literacy. - developers



Cross browser Speech Synthesis; no dependencies. This project was created, because it's always a struggle to get the synthesis part of Web Speech API running on most major browsers.

GitHub logo leaonline / easy-speech

🔊 Cross browser Speech Synthesis also known as Text to speech or TTS; no dependencies; uses Web Speech API

Easy Speech

Cross browser Speech Synthesis; no dependencies

API docs »

JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Test suite CodeQL Semantic Analysis npm npm bundle size npm bundle size DOI

⭐️ Why EasySpeech?

This project was created, because it's always a struggle to get the synthesis part of Web Speech API running on most major browsers.

✨ Features

  • 🪄 Single API for using speechSynthesis across multiple browsers
  • 🌈 Async API (Promises, async/await)
  • 🚀 Hooks for all events; global and/or voice-instance-specific
  • 🌱 Easy to set up and integrate: auto-detects and loads available voices
  • 🔧 Includes fixes or workarounds for many browser-specific quirks
  • 📝 Internal logging via EasySpeech.debug hook
  • 📦 Multiple build targets
  • 🎮 Live demo to test your browser

Note: this is not a polyfill package, if your target browser does not support speech synthesis or the Web Speech API, this package is not usable.

🚀 Live Demo

The live demo is available at You can use it to test your browser for speechSynthesis support and functionality.

live demo screenshot

Table of


Complete, compliant and well tested module for implementing an OAuth2 server in Node.js.
Maintained fork of OauthJS with ongoing development and improvements.

GitHub logo node-oauth / node-oauth2-server

🚀 The successor to oauthjs/oauth2-server. 🔒 Complete, compliant, maintained and well tested OAuth2 Server for node.js. Includes native async await and PKCE.


Complete, compliant and well tested module for implementing an OAuth2 server in Node.js.

Tests CodeQL Semantic Analysis Tests for Release Documentation Status Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. npm Version npm Downloads/Week GitHub License

NOTE: This project has been forked from oauthjs/node-oauth2-server and is a continuation due to the project appearing to be abandoned. Please see our issue board to talk about next steps and the future of this project.


npm install @node-oauth/oauth2-server
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The @node-oauth/oauth2-server module is framework-agnostic but there are several officially supported wrappers available for popular HTTP server frameworks such as Express and Koa (not maintained by us) If you're using one of those frameworks it is strongly recommended to use the respective wrapper module instead of rolling your own.


  • Supports authorization_code, client_credentials, refresh_token and password grant, as well as extension grants, with scopes.
  • Can be used with promises, ES6 generators and async/await (using Babel).
  • Fully RFC 6749 and RFC 6750 compliant.
  • Implicitly supports any form of…


A collection of simple and easy to use, yet powerful LaTeX templates for CVs and resumes.

GitHub logo jankapunkt / latexcv

👔 A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!

latexcv icon
LaTex CV and Resume Collection

👔 A collection of simple and easy to use, yet powerful LaTeX templates for CVs and resumes. All of them are self designed and self implemented and not copied from template collections

Now with support for Chinese, Japanese and Korean character encoding. Setup is only two lines of code! Read more here

Classic Modern Minimalistic
Classic CV example preview Edit on overleaf Modern CV example preview Edit on overleaf Minimalistic Layout CV example preview
Two Columns Sidebar Sidebar Left
Two Column CV example preview Edit on overleaf Sidebar CV example preview Edit on overleaf Left sidebar CV example preview Edit on overleaf
Row Layout Infographics Infographics 2
Row-Layout CV example preview Edit on overleaf Infographics CV example preview Edit on overleaf Infographics CV example preview

Great first impression

Stand out with a pixel-perfect layout. Give decision makers and HR only most important information about you in one single page or provide a complete and extensive full curriculum viate.

Beginner friendly

Pick a template, replace the content, compile, done. If that's not enough you can easily customize colors, fonts and layout. The templates are…

npm package template

Minimal, optinionated, tested and fully functional NPM package template project for ES6+ Javascript.

GitHub logo jankapunkt / npm-package-template

📦 minimal NPM package template using Babel, Mocha, Chai, C8, Standardjs, JSDoc and Rollup.

📦 NPM Package Template - Zero Config 📦

Test suite Build and publish JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub

Minimal tested and fully functional NPM package template project for ES6+ Javascript.

About this package

This template is intended to allow you to start developing immediatly with a working set of tools and scripts that play well together.

It is little opinionated to the point, that only the most basic tools are integrated If you want a different flavour you can fork this project and easily replace the tools or add new ones.

What's included?

Tools / stack

All tools are defined as dev-dependencies!

Docs and repository

This template repository has all relevant GitHub community standards implemented:


Detect current running OS including version and arch, if possible. No dependencies. All code < 300 lines.

GitHub logo jankapunkt / js-detect-os

Detect current running OS including version and codename.

Detect OS in Javascript

CI JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub

Detect current running OS including version and arch, if possible No dependencies. All code < 300 lines.

This is just a minimal, simple and incomplete package to detect the following:

  • os - Android, Windows, OSX, Linux etc. or undefined for unknown
  • isMobile - true if a mobile OS, otherwise false
  • name - For example "Ubuntu" when OS is "Linux" or undefined
  • arch - 32, 64 or undefined
  • ram - if navigator.deviceMemory is available or undefined

Uses mainly navigator.platform and navigator.userAgent as second guess for detection.

No legacy support yet, no support for OS-minorites yet. Feel free to contribute!

Why not use feature detection instead?

Yes we all know this is the better option. However, this package intends to detect the OS and not the browser, so feature detection won't help that much.

There are more distinct ways of detecting the OS based on certain ways of…


Uses proxies to implement private members when the native equivalent is not available.

GitHub logo jankapunkt / js-class-privacy

Create a given ES6 class with private members using Proxy and closures. Keeps class code clean, encourages SRP and DRY.

🔒 Javascript Class-Privacy

Build Status JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. npm bundle size

Lean dry no-dep srp :cup: package to create instances from classes with defined private members Keep your classes clean und use this instead to define private properties Uses proxies to hide information.

Installation and basic usage

Install this package via NPM like

$ npm install class-privacy
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The packages exports only one function, that acts similar to an abstract factory. You can pass in a decide function to define rules (e.g. whitelist) for members. The created factory can be used to create (proxies to) instances that contain only the public members.

import createFactory from 'class-privacy'
export class Person {
  constructor ({ name, age }) { = name
    this.age = age

  greet () {
    return `Hello, my name is "${}". I am ${this.age} years old.`

// make
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Notes on these repos

All repositories are either maintained by myself or I am more or less involved in their development process and I can support you when working on a PR (reference me via jankapunkt on GitHub). And now, happy coding! 🤩

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