I stumbled upon this little gem in the vue-land #random channel and it made me smile. Posted by xan#2554.
Thought maybe it can make you smile too and decided to share it to you. Have fun.
- copy script
- visit your most preferred website -- ..most likely dev.to π
- open console
- paste script and press
(function funnyFunction() {
var screenwidth = window.innerWidth;
var screenheight = window.innerHeight;
document.querySelectorAll('body *').forEach(function(node) {
randT = Math.floor(Math.random() * screenheight);
randL = Math.floor(Math.random() * screenwidth);
node.setAttribute('style', 'transition-duration:500ms; transition-property: left, top; position: fixed; top:'+randT+'px; left:'+randL+'px');
setInterval(funnyFunction, 500);
Be honest to yourself, did you knew what will happen?
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