I’d been learning a lot of new programming tricks lately and picking up new tools too. Some of these tools got me really excited that I have to sha...
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I'd like to believe I got the viral spread of Insomnia going at a former employer. I do appreciate Postman's grip on API testing, their collections sharing feature is popular in the enterprise, however, Insomnia's UI is SO much easier on my mental, I often felt like Postman was playing tricks on me ("where is the data/output).
Obviously, I highly recommend you try Insomnia (try both, you'll understand).
I often felt like Postman was playing tricks on me ("where is the data/output). ... made me laugh
Hahah indeed. TG for Insomnia
Oh I did but went with Insomnia in the end. It just works!
I would add dbeaver as a free alternative to TablePlus in the database category.
I've been using Beekeeper as of late: beekeeperstudio.io
If you want simple and don't need all the power it might be worth a look.
As in Beekeeper over TablePlus? Interesting.. what's some features that Beekeeper do better?
I can't comment on TablePlus, as I've never used it. I have used DBeaver but, it's been awhile. I remember it worked fine at the time but, it's a bit of a mess UI wise; that's what I recall anyway, maybe it's changed? I don't know.
I'm not living in the DB, day in and day out, and only need to do a few operations here and there, which is why I said, "it's simple and if you don't need all the power", so that's the only comparisons I think I'm making if referring to DBeaver and what I'm seeing of TablePlus.
To clarify what I mean by "power": they have a ton of features that I don't currently need or use. If I did then I'd consider something more full featured, like the others but, since I don't need much and Beekeeper is free, elegant (opinion) and has the features I do need, it works well for me. Of course, to each their own. Really just sharing something I recently stumbled upon.
Thanks for sharing your point of view! :)
Not seen dbeaver before. How is it different/better than TablePlus?
Dbeaver is free. It supports a lot of databases and has all the functionalities I need.
Except that, from the screenshots of tableplus I would say that tableplus is prettier.
I currently use TablePlus as a replacement for Sequel Pro, which sadly they no longer keep updating. Before TablePlus use several clients, including Dbeaver and Datagrid. Those apps seemed too bloated to me compared to Sequel. In addition, TablePlus supports Postgres, MySQL, CockroachDB, Redis and SQLite, the databases I work with most commonly, which far exceeds the old Sequel.
Yeah that's what i like about tablePlus! 🤜🤛
Yeah tableplus looks cleaner, less cluttered it seems. I like that there's premium features I can upgrade to if I need. The software dev behind tableplus feels taken care of...
Thanks for the resources! Haven’t dove deep into UI/UX design, but I’ll definitely bookmark the Figma Community.
I currently use the cmder console on Win10 and remember reading about Hyper when I was looking at Unix emulator consoles. Have you run into any problems with Hyper?
There's also windows terminal by Microsoft and it works pretty good for me :)
Yes, the community is a great way to dive deeper into UI/UX. many done for you templates and tools!
Hmmm I use a macbook pro, so not sure how relevant my use case will be from yours in windows. So far, enjoyed using Hyper loads! Love the font colors. And I'm not even maximising its full potential yet
Gotcha. I'll check it out and try it. Thanks! 👍
I've been using hyper terminal on windows for about a year now and have had no issues.
Urgh! 😄 Honestly, I never liked that kind of collaboration: N hands messing with the same object at the same time. I used few times with Google Docs (because others decided it was a nice option), but I never liked it.
For shared document editing I, honestly, prefer the old fashioned solution: one single editor has write privileges on the document and asks for inputs to the others. If you use the shared approach then you need a deep rewriting phase afterward since you need to clean all the "jumps" between parts written by different people. Integrating inputs received from others is much faster and easier.
If the document is very large (e.g. a book with chapter), assign a "block" (e.g. a chapter) to its own editor.
I think you misunderstood. I made reference to Google Docs as an analogy to Glitch, not direct comparison. Glitch is actually for code editing, not writing a book.
Interesting, so you prefer "asynchronous" editing.
Makes sense.
Suggestion : It would be really nice if you could just show the screenshot. ;)
Good idea! Will add, cheers Jatin!
Great ressources, i thinks that Glitch and Hyper are more pretty than usefull but it's great to make a glance in the other side :D But i'm really happy to discovering Insomnia, Postman make me feel really uncolnfortable with it's bad interface, and i'm never sure what i make with it :P
Awesome, glad you found them useful. Yeah, Insomnia just works. Been using it for almost 1 year now. No complaints
For those who are not aware, Sequel Ace is the successor of Sequel Pro.
U forgot
Thanks for the suggestions! I compared iterm2 vs Hyper and went with Hyper in the end. I don't use zsh.. would a code newbie need to know about zsh?
What's "Canvas"? You mean Canva ?
yes sorry, i meant canva, and about zsh and iterm2 why not?. Everything that can be done with these tools is incredible. I would have liked to know something about them. especially because at the beginning the terminal is usually scary.
Never needed zsh so far for my dev work... and hyper feels like a prettier alt to iterm2, that's why I went for it. But functionally, I guess there's little difference?
Canva is a great tool to add to the list! I didn't because I use Figma
Great post! I created an account on Figma, but don't really know how to use it yet. I suppose I just need to play around with it?
Yeah give it a whirl. I find it pretty intuitive, like Google Slides/Powerpoint but slightly more features
Thank you, I'll see what I'm able to do with it.
Lovely Content! Thanks for sharing.
My pleasure!
Thanks for recommending these gems
Glad you like them!
Great share! really useful tools
Thanks! Glad you found them useful as I did
Thanks bro :)
Cool! I love it! Still use it often for my product.
I use Sequel Ace (continuation of Sequel Pro @junihh ) for most of my database stuff. Free w/o any limits. Insomnia looks less confusion than Postman, I'll have to check it out.
What do you think about "thunder client" on VScode? I feels similar to postman?
Good stuff!