In this article, you will learn how to implement Azure CLI command lines to build ,deploy and scale web app and API.
The followings are the prerequisites that must be enabled on your system.
A Microsoft Azure Account with Active Subscriptions.
Azure CLI installed on your computer.
**Follow these steps to create an Azure App Service using Azure CLI
- Login to Azure Account from Windows powershell on your computer by typing AZ LOGIN and press enter as demonstrated below
Launching this command will definately redirect you to a web page requesting you to select an active microsoft azure account
Upon successful login , you will be asked to close the web page and continue to the powershell page where you will see the detail login to your azure account
You will receive the below replies upon successful login
- Create a resource group This resource group will house your web app(s) and other resources put together in creating you app. The syntax for creating a resource group
az group create --name --location
Once you issue the command line ,an instant copy of the resource group is created in Azure which comes with an instant reply in the CLI with message "Succeeded"
- Create an app service plan App service plan is more like an operating system that hosts your web application that provides the infrastructure and resources required to run, or scale your apps. The syntax for this command
az appservice plan create --name --resource-group
Launching the command line below
You will receive a succeed message indicating that you service plan has been created.
- Create your webb app The syntax to creating a web application
az webapp create --name --resource-group --plan
- Verify that the app service create is running
two way to verify that your app is running are
- CLI Command az webapp show --name --resource-group
- Login into Microsoft Azure account where the service are created.
we successfully create an Azure App Service lekewebapp using Azure CLI. With Azure App Service, you can easily deploy and scale your web apps and APIs in the cloud
Before you can deploy this app, we must configure a deployment for the app just created and create a PUSH.
All these can be achieve in GITHUB.
Ensure you create an account with GITHUB.
created a repository and an index file for your web application. Your index file must have been created using Git BASH and push to GITHUB. This is yet another prerequisite to creating a web application done by a developer.
After successful creation of a repository, go to the code section,Copy the URL of the code .
6 Configure The Deployment Source of Your Web Application
The syntax to deploy your app
az webapp deployment source config --name --resource-group --repo-url --branch master --manual-integration
Lets go ahead and launch the deployment
You will get a feedbacks below upon successful deployment
 To create a deployment slot, go to your Web App page and scroll down to the left. Click on the deployment slot.
b) On the deployment slot page, we can see that our web app is in the production state running. The traffic is also 100%
c) To add a slot, click on +add slot
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