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Jayanth MKV
Jayanth MKV

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Pushing Python Packages to Artifact Registry Using Cloud Build

Google Artifact Registry is a powerful solution for managing and hosting Python package artifacts in a private, secure, and scalable way. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to push Python package .whl files to the Artifact Registry using Google Cloud Build and a secret (creds) from Google Secret Manager for authentication.


  1. Artifact Registry Setup:

    • Create a Python repository in your Artifact Registry:
     gcloud artifacts repositories create python-packages \
       --repository-format=python \
       --location=us-central1 \
       --description="Python packages repository"
  2. Secret Setup:

    • Store your key as a secret in Google Secret Manager:
     gcloud secrets create creds --data-file=path/to/key.json
  • Grant Cloud Build access to the secret:(Optional, can also be done using IAM)

     gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding creds \
       --member="serviceAccount:$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)')" \
  1. Cloud Build Permissions: Ensure your Cloud Build service account has the necessary permissions to access the Artifact Registry and Secret Manager.

Cloud Build YAML Configuration

Here's the full working cloudbuild.yaml file:

  machineType: E2_HIGHCPU_8
  substitutionOption: ALLOW_LOOSE

  # Step 1: Access the secret `creds` and save it as `key.json`
  - name: ''
    entrypoint: bash
      - '-c'
      - |
        gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret=creds > /workspace/key.json

  # Step 2: Configure `.pypirc` with the Artifact Registry credentials
  - name: 'python'
    entrypoint: bash
      - '-c'
      - |
        cat > ~/.pypirc << EOL
        index-servers = tower-common-repo

        username: _json_key_base64
        password: $(base64 -w0 /workspace/key.json)

        # Step 3: Build and upload the Python package
        pip install twine build && \
        python -m build && \
        twine upload --repository tower-common-repo dist/* --verbose
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Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Define Build Options:

    • Set the machine type, substitution behavior, and logging options.
    • These configurations ensure efficient builds and manageable logs.
  2. Retrieve key.json Secret:

    • Use gcloud secrets versions access to fetch the key.json file securely from Secret Manager.
    • Save the file to a known location (/workspace/key.json).
  3. Configure .pypirc:

    • Generate a .pypirc file dynamically. This file is required for twine to authenticate with the Artifact Registry.
    • The password is base64-encoded content of key.json.
  4. Build and Push Package:

    • Install necessary tools (twine, build).
    • Build the Python package (python -m build).
    • Use twine upload to push the .whl file to the Artifact Registry.

Triggering the Build

Save the cloudbuild.yaml file and trigger the build or can connect to github repository:

gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml .
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Key Points

  • Secure Secrets Management: The secret (key.json) is accessed securely using Google Secret Manager.
  • Dynamic Configuration: .pypirc is generated during the build, ensuring no sensitive data is stored in the repository.
  • Automated Upload: The process automates package building and pushing, reducing manual intervention.


After the build completes:

  1. Verify the uploaded package in the Artifact Registry:
   gcloud artifacts packages list --repository=python-packages --location=us-central1
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  1. Check for errors or warnings in the build logs.

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