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Jeremy Dorn
Jeremy Dorn

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Beware of Promise.all

In Javascript, Promise.all lets you execute a bunch of Promises in parallel and get an array of results back.

const responses = await Promise.all([
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Pretty straight forward. However, if you were to do the above with 100 fetch calls instead, you might accidentally take down your server in a self-inflicted Denial of Service attack. Even if you protect against this in the API with rate-limiting, you're still going to see a lot of errors for failed requests as you scale up.

APIs are the exception. Most types of external calls have no concept of rate-limiting at all - filesystem operations, system calls, etc.

For example, in NodeJS you can spawn new shells to call out to other programs on the computer. I use this in my open source A/B testing platform GrowthBook to call a Python script. Something like this:

const results = await Promise.all( => callPython(m))
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The above will happily spawn hundreds of Python shells if given a large array and start executing them all in parallel. My dev machine is pretty powerful, so I didn't notice during testing that all 8 CPU cores would go to 100% for a couple seconds. When I deployed the code to a Docker container on AWS though, I definitely noticed when it started crashing and restarting all the time.

The solution is to add rate-limiting or concurrency limits to your Promise.all calls. There are a few ways to do this.

For API calls where you want to limit the number of calls per second, you can use the simple p-throttle library:

import pThrottle from 'p-throttle'

// Limit to 2 calls per second
const throttle = pThrottle({
  limit: 2,
  interval: 1000

const responses = await Promise.all([
  throttle(() => fetch("/api/1")),
  throttle(() => fetch("/api/2")),
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For system calls where you want to limit the number of parallel executions, no matter how long they take, there is the simple p-limit library:

import pLimit from 'p-limit'

// Only 5 promises will run at a time
const limit = pLimit(5)

const results = await Promise.all(
    m => limit(() => callPython(m))
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For more advanced use cases, you might want to look into using a full-featured job queue instead like bree, bull, or agenda.

As developers we spend a lot of time worrying about external attacks and not enough time on protecting our apps from naive internal code. I hope this helps others avoid the same CPU crashing bugs in production that I had to work through. Good luck out there!

Latest comments (4)

seanghay profile image

Thanks for sharing. If possible I think you should have used message queue like Bull, agenda or Amazon SQS instead for long running task like this.

johnbwoodruff profile image
John Woodruff

Ah you’re awesome. I had used p-throttle a long time ago and literally today needed it again but could not for the life of me remember what I used! Perfect timing and great article!

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