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Advice for Junior Developers

Jeroen De Dauw on October 11, 2022

Over the 15+ years of my development career, I have learned several things that significantly increase my effectiveness. In this post, I share thos...
h_sifat profile image
Muhammad Sifat Hossain β€’

Awesome post. I've actually read the Clean Architecture book in the last month and I would highly recommend it. It significantly changed the way I think about software and taught me how to take decisions carefully.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard β€’

Ok not in which ways?
What were you see we the most impactful aspects for you personally?

loebkes profile image
Lui β€’

Nice article! I always recommend Working effectively with legacy code, too. It's one of the best and most applicable books I've read.

What I think what should be added is to structure your code with "package by feature".

This changed a lot for me and I use the same concept now for structuring documentation.

It's much easier to see strange dependencies and to reduce/restrict/avoid them.
Much easier to navigate and find classes and much easier to grasp the code as the classes are much more cohesive (on package/folder level at least).

sirhamy profile image
Hamilton Greene β€’

I'm curious about the interaction between 6 and 7.

6 - OO && don't use static
7 - Functional

In my experience, writing functionally implies lots of static functions (as this is how you declare a "pure" function (one without access to state) in OO languages).

Is 6 more around static objects? e.g. this would mean an object (and its relating data) are global

jeroendedauw profile image
Jeroen De Dauw β€’

The "avoiding static" in point 6 is about not writing static functions with side effects or usage of global state. You are absolutely right that pure functions are not a problem.

mcsee profile image
Maxi Contieri β€’

great post !

yurieastwood profile image
Yuri Eastwood β€’

Many topics, rich resource gathering!
Really nice article, congrats!

dhruvjoshi9 profile image
Dhruv Joshi β€’

Such a detailed and helpful blog!!! Thanks!!

arraju profile image
Asikur Rahman β€’

Thanks for your valuable post

mxglt profile image
Maxime Guilbert β€’

Great post and valuable for all experiences! A reminder is always good!

logudotcom profile image
Loganathan Natarajan β€’

I love this article and valuable information for juniors

jeffchavez_dev profile image
Jeff Chavez β€’

Thank you for the resources! I'll take it to heart as a new dev.

leoclao profile image
Leo Dao β€’

This post really means a lot to me, thank you so much

manuartero profile image
Manuel Artero Anguita 🟨 β€’

Really really good post.

candlepeter profile image
Isienyi Paschal Ejike β€’

Great content...

stretch0 profile image
Andrew McCallum β€’

Solid post! Love the explanation of comments being code smell and suggesting there is a more clear way to write the code

otijhuis profile image
Okke Tijhuis β€’

The issue is not the comments themselves but the fact that many developers just repeat what's already obvious in the code or they use comments to avoid doing good software design. Instead of saying 'avoid comments', advice should be given on what makes a good comment. I love comments that detail why something is done, assumptions that are being made, explain workarounds (with links to github issues for instance) and so on. So I don't see comments as a code smell, I see them as an important part of the code and they should be reviewed as such.

jenniesworth12 profile image
Jennie Sworth β€’

Thanks for sharing this ^^ I'm new to dev

soenkekluth profile image
SΓΆnke Kluth β€’


kingoloruntofunmi profile image
Dada David Oloruntofunmi β€’

Am happy this appeared on my feeds.
This is a lot and this is awesome
Thanks so much

avieldez profile image
AvielDez β€’

This is great advice for a new dev such as myself. Thanks for providing reading material too. Very helpful!

mainuol01 profile image
mainuol islam β€’

Nice article!

raffaeleloi profile image
Raffael Eloi β€’

Awesome post. Thanks to write that.

dmj profile image
Dmj β€’

Very helpful post

webjose profile image
JosΓ© Pablo RamΓ­rez Vargas β€’

As a developer with 18 years of experience, I find very odd the statement "don't inherit". I inherit in a healthy amount regularly. It also a common practice to have a base class for abstract factories. Is it because people don't do it properly? In my opinion, if you are SOLID, it is OK to have base classes. After all, the main argument of composition over inheritance seems to be geared towards obtaining services, not implementing them.

Or am I missing something? Cheers.

jeroendedauw profile image
Jeroen De Dauw β€’

My advice is to "don't inherit for code reuse". Inheriting a purely abstract class is basically the same as implementing an interface: all about subtyping, and not about code reuse.

I regard inheritance for code reuse as an advanced tool, that sometimes can be used appropriately, but is better not handed to devs that are just starting out.

dagger profile image
Dagger β€’

Do one thing in your functions
By doing a single thing in a function, you can give it a clear name

Great post. And this bit of advice is something I always seem to forget.

mayallo profile image
Mohamed Mayallo β€’ β€’ Edited

I think we can add

Don't trust everything you read on the internet, for example, inheritance or SOLID principles or ..., without knowing the drawbacks before the gain.

Try to search on the internet about SOLID principles, for example, you would see that the majority of the resources tend to over-praise them without mentioning their limitations.

I have already written two articles about the SRP and the OCP, you can check them out to know what I mean.

dalibor profile image
Dalibor β€’

You make a lot of great points. I'll add one suggestion. Try out a low-code programming tool. Low-code is growing and it gives you an overview the process for creating an app. It replaces a lot of the tasks of classic development, in which you should definitely become expert, but low-code enables you to get some wins.

I play around with the platform to make apps for myself, just for fun. It's kind of like when html start a long time ago: in order to learn how to do the coding for work, I taught myself with a side project for myself (which was much more interesting and engaging).

bernardm profile image
Bernard Martis β€’

The book recommendations looks like someone from ThoughtWorks made them. I’ve always recommended Code Complete over Clean Code. The principles are explained clearly with a lot less preaching and TDD gospel.

wadecodez profile image
Wade Zimmerman β€’ β€’ Edited
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otijhuis profile image
Okke Tijhuis β€’

The post contains some great information but are those really things a junior developer should focus on? To me a junior developer is someone who is still getting the lay of the land, like learning the programming language, the tooling and so on. While something like software design is extremely important to me, I wouldn't want a junior developer to worry about that yet. I feel that in this industry we expect way too much, way too soon. The best way to learn is often from your mistakes. Following best practices blindly might sound like a good idea at the start but how is a junior supposed to know when there's a best practice and in what situation it's applicable? Like you said, code is not the point. I'd rather have them thinking about the problem first, the quality of the code later. Having a good mentor, doing pair programming and getting detailed feedback on reviews will be far more valuable to a junior imho.

ebonydomingue13 profile image
Ebony Dominguez β€’

Thank you!!! Very useful post for those who are just starting to work in IT. I also want to recommend looking at the code of well-known or just interesting projects, to analyze its structure. If you want to see how this code works in business and what is the life cycle of the project, watch the growth of young companies. For example, I like to look at SlotoGate. It's nice to see how young projects are gaining popularity.

incrementis profile image
Akin C. β€’

Hello Jeroen De Dauw,

thank you for your article.
It was easy to read and many links were added to the specific terminologies that helped me understand the article better.

I think it's a great thing when someone wants to learn more than they should.
I also agree that documentation is necessary and needs to be written, imo.

Still, the things you expect from a junior developer are a bit overwhelming in my opinion. It sounds like a way to become some sort of full-stack developer.
For example, I understand your article to mean that this junior developer is expected to:

  • Software engineer(Coding)
  • Software designer
  • Software architect
  • Software tester

Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

jeroendedauw profile image
Jeroen De Dauw β€’

As a software engineer you write code that you design and test. If you split that into 3 different jobs, you will not get a good outcome. Yes, you can have dedicated testers or people who specialize in architecture, but this does not remove the need for devs to think about what they are doing and to create automated tests.

dpods profile image
David Glassanos β€’

Really great post, nice work! I agree with most of it and love all the additional reading sources.

About point #3, I agree but I think it's a little more nuanced. Junior devs should definitely follow best practices when starting out. The issue though is that sometimes there is no consensus around what the best practice is, or there may be outdated resources on the internet recommending outdated best practices. This makes it difficult for junior devs to discern what actually is a best practice or not, but that's more an issue with the industry as a whole than anything else. Things move quickly, and what used to be a best practice last month might not be the best way to go about it next month.

I'd also like to shamelessly recommend my own book to add to the resources. I just published a book called "Junior to Senior: Career Advice for the Ambitious Programmer". Here's a link to a free sample chapter: How to Read Unfamiliar Code

I talk about some similiar points your mentioned in your post, and you mentioned some points that aren't covered in the book. All in all, nice job and I think the more resources junior devs have to get up to speed in the industry the better.

anderspersson profile image
Anders Persson β€’

Great post, lot of usefull things i a good structure.

ashm10 profile image
Asther Marie Moreno β€’

This is awesome, thank you so much!! ❀️

reidterror profile image
reidterror β€’

Literally my 3rd day of reading small chunks + blog posts linked in this post. Very good stuff!

peranoxx profile image
PeranoXx β€’
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drfow profile image
Dr. FoW β€’

Wonderful post buddeee

og_dev profile image

Nice and insightful article! πŸ’―

peyaza profile image
peyaza β€’

awesome post

srisuma13 profile image
Srisuma Atluri β€’

Great advices! Thanks for posting it.

mahmudhasarifat profile image
Mahmudul Hasan Rifat β€’

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candlepeter profile image
Isienyi Paschal Ejike β€’

Awesome post. Thank you for your advice, I am trying to transition to tech without a CS degree and it's not been easy. Thank you these recommendations.

asohyannick profile image
Asoh Yannick Anoh β€’

Always go for progress and not perfection as a developer. We keep learning everyday and daily progress will take you to higher heights in your journey as a developer.

vignesh_subramanian profile image
Vignesh Subramanian β€’

Very nicely summarized !

lucabertolasi profile image
Luca Bertolasi β€’

Great post.

To be honest, it's good to review these points even as a more seasoned developer, just to check which habits to keep and which ones to get rid of.

angie_guan profile image
Angie Guan β€’

very good posts

bravogolfgolf profile image
Brian G Gibson β€’

Bookmark this post. Treat it like a checklist.

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