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Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and their differences

Everyone everywhere is talking about web 3.0 and how it is the next big thing for the web, and I have even seen some mouth watering offers for web 3.0 engineers, but HOLD ON, what exactly is web 3.0? each time I ask this question, I usually get the response "look it up on Google Ogbeni". So I decided to do some research and save you that response.

But what is web 2.0 and web 3.0?

What is web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is basically a term for today's interactive internet, It is the web we use at the moment, it evolved from web 1.0 which was read only to read and write as we have it today. Nowadays users can fill up information in a web field and send it to a server, also the users can choose not to get generic data from a server but a specific response resulting in rich user experience for example I can open my bank app and not just see my balance but also see my transactions if I want to in a user friendly interface.

Web 2.0 consists of user generated content and users can collaborate, web 2.0 gave rise to an outburst ofsocial media platforms, blogs, also it gave rise to user partication because the owner of the websites are not the only one able to put content.

  • Characteristics of web 2.0
  • Read/Write
  • Sharing Content
  • Web as a storage platform
  • Rich User experience
  • User Participation

What is web 3.0?

Experts call it the "Semantic Web", a web which is autonomous,intelligent and open, web 3.0 is the upcoming generation of the internet where apps and websites can actually process information in a smart human-like way through technolgy like decentralized ledger, artifical intelligence and edge computing.

Characteristics of web 3.0

  • Semantic web
  • Ubiquity (the fact of appearing everywhere)
  • 3D Graphics
  • Artificial Intelligence

Differences between web 2.0 and web 3.0

image of differences

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