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Computational thinking

Learning how to code for the first time can be quite intimidating. Especially, when new concepts like computational thinking come into ones attention. Albeit, my understanding is quite elementary i'd like to share what i've learned so far. I'll discuss briefly the four core elements of computational thinking. First we have decomposition. Decomposition essentially is when a programmer breaks down a large problem into small pieces that are easier to understand.

Then we have abstraction, this means a programmer only focuses and extracts the most fundamental idea within each small problem leaving anything irrelevant behind. Next comes pattern recognition which states, that a computational thinker recognizes and identifies the pattern being executed in order to organize data. This of course leads to problem solving.

Lastly, is algorithms. Algorithms is all three elements combined together that results in step by step instructions that when followed solves problems. This concludes my basic understanding of computational thinking. Im sure that as I progress in my programming career my knowledge will expand much more broader.

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