DEV Community

Jesse Sousa
Jesse Sousa

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How to deploy your React App with Github Pages

Github Pages is a nice way to host your website, it's completely free and very easy to deploy, and you can use it with any framework not only React. I didn't know that when I was a beginner and I thought it would be nice to share it.

Before starting, make sure your app is hosted in a Github Repository.

1. Install gh-pages

In your terminal type, npm install gh-pages --save-dev or if you're using yarn yarn add gh-pages --dev. The gh-pages dependency is what you're going to be using to deploy your app.

2. Add the scripts and the homepage URL

In your package.json file add:

"homepage": "https://[your github username][your project name]"

Make sure that your project name is the same used in your GitHub repository.
Then add to scripts:

"predeploy": "npm build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

3. Time to deploy

Finally, on your terminal type, npm run deploy and that's it, as I said, very simple. It may take a couple of minutes before your app gets hosted but if everything works fine you should be able to see your app with the URL that you used for the homepage.

Top comments (1)

alpanachaphalkar profile image

Thanks for sharing :)