DEV Community

Jonathan Flower
Jonathan Flower

Posted on • Originally published at on

How do I start to incorporate AI into my business?

1. Spend at least 10 minutes playing with ChatGPT

  1. Start chatting without needing to signup:
  2. Type whatever comes to mind. A few ideas to get the conversation started:
    • What were the last few things you Googled? Try typing those into ChatGPT.
    • What is a topic you are curious about? Ask ChatGPT to tell you about it.
    • Try to stump it by asking a hard question in your field of expertise.
  3. There are a ton of AI tools out there. I suggest starting with ChatGPT because it is free and the best for many things.

2. Is it magic or an idiot?

  1. This is largely dependent on the questions you asked and how you phrased them. The question is what types of questions can it answer, and how do I ask my questions in a way that helps it respond well?
  2. The simplest advice is to imagine ChatGPT is a high school intern who has memorized the internet. Technically I don’t agree with personifying ChatGPT, but I have not found a better way to guide people with a simple concept. Let’s imagine giving a high school intern very brief instructions. Who knows what you are going to get from them! If you take the time to explain the goal, steps, any other relevant details or expectations, then you will be surprised if you don’t receive back something you can use or at least provide feedback on so that they can improve.

3. Practical uses

  1. Now that you have some basic concepts, it is time to explore how it might be able to speed or enhance your work. You are on your way to becoming AI empowered.
  2. We started this post with a question: “How do I start to incorporate AI into my business?” This is a perfect question to ask ChatGPT.
   I am in the [insert your industry] industry and my role is a [insert your role]. How do I start to incorporate AI in my business?
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4. Ask ChatGPT to give you a lot of ideas for prompts:

   I am a [insert your profession]. Give me 50 ChatGPT prompts that can help me be more productive in my job.
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As you start to use ChatGPT, you should be cautious about uploading documents or entering text with sensitive information. Do not enter anything sensitive. The free version of ChatGPT will use this information to train their models. Here is a guide on how to protect your private information: How to Protect Your Data with ChatGPT | Jonathan Flower posted on the topic | LinkedIn

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