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José Guilherme Maragno Luiz
José Guilherme Maragno Luiz

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Comparison between CORE and Other Software Development Methodologies

The CORE Framework is an innovative methodology aimed at integrating clarity, ownership, resilience, and evolution in software development. This document presents a detailed comparison between CORE and other popular methodologies, such as Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall, highlighting the characteristics, benefits, and challenges of each approach. The goal is to demonstrate how CORE can stand out and be effectively applied in various development contexts.


The objective of this document is to demonstrate how CORE can stand out and be effectively applied in different development contexts. Through this comparison, we seek to identify the advantages of CORE and the situations in which it may be preferable to traditional and agile methodologies.

Importance of the Comparison

The comparative analysis of methodologies is crucial for understanding the nuances of each approach and how they can complement or contradict each other in varied development environments. This understanding allows teams to choose the methodology best suited to their specific needs and work contexts, thereby increasing the likelihood of project success.

Traditional Methodologies


The Waterfall methodology is a traditional model that follows a linear and sequential approach, dividing the development process into well-defined phases.

Characteristics of Waterfall

The main characteristics of the Waterfall model include:

  • Defined Phases: The model is divided into distinct stages, usually including requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Each phase must be completed before the next one begins.
  • Extensive Documentation: Waterfall emphasizes detailed documentation at all stages of the project. This ensures that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the requirements and the project’s progress.
  • Rigorous Planning: Planning is fundamental in Waterfall, with schedules and budgets set at the beginning of the project. This allows for predictability but can lead to inflexibility if circumstances change.
  • Final Testing: Testing is generally conducted after the implementation of all functionalities, which can lead to a backlog of issues to be addressed at a single point, potentially delaying the final delivery.

Challenges of Waterfall

Despite its clear characteristics, the Waterfall model presents several challenges that can negatively impact the success of a project:

  • Rigidity: The sequential nature of Waterfall makes it difficult to adapt to changes in requirements. If client needs change during the process, it can be complex and costly to revisit previous phases.
  • Delayed Feedback: Since testing is performed only after full implementation, teams may discover significant issues very late in the development cycle. This can result in considerable rework and increased costs.
  • Lack of Flexibility: Waterfall does not handle uncertainty and rapid changes well, which characterize many modern software development environments. This can lead to products that do not meet client expectations.
  • Dependency on Documentation: Although extensive documentation is a strength of Waterfall, it can also be a weakness. If the documentation is not updated or is misinterpreted, it can lead to misunderstandings and project failures.

Agile Methodologies


Agile is an approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous delivery of value to the customer. Its main characteristics include:

  • Short Iterations: Sprints or short development cycles.
  • Constant Collaboration: Continuous feedback between teams and stakeholders.
  • Adaptation: Changes are expected and welcomed.


Scrum is one of the most popular agile frameworks, focused on incremental delivery and team collaboration. Its main characteristics include:

Scrum Characteristics

  • Defined Roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team.
  • Sprints: Development cycles of 1 to 4 weeks, with incremental deliveries.
  • Regular Meetings: Daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives.

Benefits of Scrum

  • Greater Visibility: Stakeholders have a clear view of project progress.
  • Better Adaptation to Changes: Teams can quickly adjust to new information and feedback.

Comparison between Scrum and CORE

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Comparative Case Study

Implementation Example

Context: A tech company was seeking a method to increase efficiency in its software projects.

  • Waterfall: Initially opted for Waterfall, but faced difficulties in adapting the project’s scope, resulting in missed deadlines and a final product that did not fully meet client expectations.
  • Scrum: Shifted to Scrum and achieved better collaboration among teams but still faced challenges with clear definition of responsibilities, leading to communication failures.
  • CORE: With the adoption of CORE, the company was able to establish clear goals, reinforce individual responsibility within the team, and promote a culture of continuous feedback. The result was a significant increase in customer satisfaction and a reduction in delivery timelines.

Success Metrics

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Benefits of CORE Compared to Other Methodologies

Clarity and Focus

CORE provides a clear definition of goals and objectives, allowing the team to stay focused on what truly matters. In comparison:

  • Waterfall: Lack of flexibility can lead to a loss of focus.
  • Scrum: Requires discipline in setting goals for each sprint.

Ownership and Responsibility

CORE promotes a culture of ownership that not only holds team members accountable but also motivates them to seek results. While:

  • Waterfall: Responsibility is often centralized in a few individuals.
  • Scrum: Despite a focus on the team, responsibility can be diffuse, leading to confusion.

Resilience and Evolution

CORE emphasizes organizational resilience, allowing teams to quickly adapt to new situations and feedback.

  • Waterfall: Difficulties in adapting to sudden changes.
  • Scrum: Improvement in adaptation but requires a more structured feedback cycle.


The CORE Framework stands out as an integrated approach that combines the best practices of agile and traditional methodologies, offering a robust solution to the challenges of contemporary software development. By promoting clarity, ownership, resilience, and evolution, CORE not only enhances team efficiency but also fosters innovation and customer satisfaction.

Adopting the CORE Framework can transform how development teams operate, enabling them not only to tackle current challenges but also to prepare for the dynamic and ever-changing future of the technology market.

The CORE Framework is still in its early stages of study and development. While the concepts and ideas behind it are promising, we know there is a long road ahead before it can be widely recognized and included in Software Engineering textbooks. What we have so far is a solid foundation for something we believe has great potential.
If you’re an enthusiast of new methodologies, a researcher, or a professional looking to explore new ways of teamwork and software development, I would be thrilled to have your participation. Anyone interested in collaborating or providing feedback on the CORE Framework is more than welcome to reach out. Let’s explore, learn, and build something that could transform the way we develop software. Feel free to reach out to me at, and let’s embark on this journey together!

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CNPJ: 46.671.142/0001–81

This document is the property of TREEHOUSE SOFTWARE LTDA. and describes the work system based on the CORE framework. Any reproduction or use of this material without the express authorization of the company is prohibited.

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