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José Guilherme Maragno Luiz
José Guilherme Maragno Luiz

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CORE Framework: Advanced Methodology for Software Management and Development

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This document is the property of TREEHOUSE SOFTWARE LTDA. and describes the work system based on the CORE framework. Any reproduction or use of this material without the express authorization of the company is prohibited.

Introduction to the CORE Framework

The CORE Framework is an innovative and comprehensive approach to software development and project management. This framework is designed to assist teams in delivering continuous value, fostering a culture of clarity, ownership, resilience, and evolution. In a constantly changing environment, where customer needs and technologies are always evolving, CORE provides a structure that adapts to these dynamics.

What is CORE?

CORE is an acronym representing the four fundamental pillars of the framework: Clarity, Ownership, Resilience, and Evolution. Each of these principles is interconnected, creating a feedback cycle that enables teams to effectively respond to market demands and continuous improvements.

Framework Objectives

The main objectives of the CORE Framework include:

  • Increasing team efficiency.
  • Improving the quality of deliveries.
  • Promoting a collaborative and innovative work environment.
  • Facilitating rapid adaptation to changes.

History of Software Development

The formal beginning of software development dates back to the 1950s and 1960s with the introduction of the Waterfall model, which was widely used for its structured and linear approach. As the complexity of systems grew, new methodologies emerged, seeking greater flexibility.

In the 1990s, the Agile Manifesto revolutionized the way of thinking about development, prioritizing interactions, collaboration, and quick responses to changes. From this, practices like Scrum and Kanban emerged to adapt agile concepts to the needs of teams. More recently, DevOps has gained prominence by integrating development and operations, focusing on automation and continuous integration.

It is in this context of continuous evolution that the CORE Framework positions itself, offering an approach that integrates clarity, responsibility, resilience, and evolution as central principles.

Theoretical Framework

The CORE Framework is founded on concepts of agile management, high-performance leadership, and contemporary software development practices. This approach is inspired by various authors and studies that have shaped how teams operate and organize themselves. Below, we highlight some of the main references that underpin this methodology:

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Goleman, D. (2002). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Bantam Books.

Daniel Goleman introduced the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI), which refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others. In the context of CORE, EI is crucial for fostering a collaborative and empathetic environment, essential for the success of agile teams. Goleman argues that emotionally intelligent leaders can inspire and motivate their teams, creating a space where communication is fluid and innovations can thrive.

Culture of Responsibility

Hams, B. (2009). Ownership Thinking: How to End Entitlement and Create a Culture of Accountability, Purpose, and Profit. McGraw-Hill.

Brad Hams explores the importance of individual responsibility within teams, advocating that a culture of “ownership thinking” results in a significant increase in engagement and productivity. CORE’s adoption encourages this mindset, allowing team members to take responsibility for their deliveries, fostering an environment where everyone feels part of collective success.

Resilience and Adaptation

Taleb, N. N. (2012). Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder. Random House.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb introduces the concept of “antifragility,” which refers to the ability of a system to benefit from stress, chaos, and uncertainty. The CORE Framework incorporates this idea, teaching teams to become resilient and thrive in challenging environments rather than merely reacting to crises. Taleb argues that in a volatile world, those who adapt quickly and innovate are the ones who survive and thrive.

Continuous Improvement and Efficiency

Womack, J. & Jones, D. T. (1996). Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation. Simon & Schuster.

The Lean philosophy emphasizes the elimination of waste and the maximization of value for the customer. The CORE Framework draws on Lean principles, promoting efficiency through continuous and adaptable feedback cycles. Womack and Jones argue that a mindset of continuous improvement is crucial for organizational success, and CORE facilitates this mindset by integrating agile practices.

Collaboration and Innovation

Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. Jossey-Bass.

Edgar Schein discusses how organizational culture influences team behavior and performance. The CORE Framework seeks to establish a collaborative culture that values innovation and experimentation, recognizing that a positive work environment is essential for developing creative solutions. Leadership should cultivate and model this culture, an aspect that CORE proposes through its management practices.

Agile and Scrum

Schwaber, K. & Sutherland, J. (2017). The Scrum Guide.

Scrum is one of the most popular Agile methodologies and serves as a foundational basis for many principles of the CORE framework. Schwaber and Sutherland define practices that promote transparency, inspection, and adaptation, which align perfectly with the objectives of CORE. The adoption of these practices enables teams to become more agile and responsive to change, which is essential in a fast-evolving software development environment.

Contemporary Researchers and Authors

Denning, S. (2016). The Agile Business: A Leader’s Guide to Business Agility. 1st Edition.

This book provides insights into the principles of agility in business, focusing on how leaders can foster an agile environment. Denning emphasizes the importance of adaptive leadership, which aligns with the objectives of the CORE framework.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Daniel Kahneman explores two modes of thinking: the fast, intuitive approach and the slow, deliberative one. His research on decision-making can be applied to understand team dynamics within CORE, assisting leaders in optimizing decision-making in high-pressure environments.

Fowler, M. & Highsmith, J. (2001). “The Agile Manifesto”.

This seminal document outlines the values and principles that underpin agility in software development. The philosophy of the Agile Manifesto deeply resonates with the principles of CORE, providing additional theoretical support that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and the continuous delivery of value.

Additional References

In addition to the cited references, the CORE Framework is grounded in a series of studies and academic articles that explore the intersection of Agile management, innovation, and leadership. Articles from journals such as Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review frequently discuss best practices in team management and the importance of agility in corporate environments.

The integration of these theories and practices into the CORE Framework not only strengthens it as an innovative methodology but also provides a solid foundation for its implementation across various organizational contexts. By understanding and applying these concepts, teams can better prepare to face the contemporary challenges of software development and management.

CORE Foundations

The CORE Framework was developed to integrate modern management concepts with specific software development practices, making it a robust methodology for delivering high-quality projects. The four pillars of CORE — Clarity, Ownership, Resilience, and Evolution — were carefully chosen to meet the main needs of development teams in dynamic environments.


Clarity is the foundation of strategic alignment within development teams. Precise definition of objectives and goals, both in the short and long term, is essential to ensure that all team members understand their responsibilities and the value of what is being delivered.

Detailed Example: In a personal finance app development project, clarity is not limited to creating a task backlog but extends to detailing how each feature impacts the end-user experience. For instance, specifying that “users need to visualize their expenses in charts that show spending by category weekly” helps the team better understand the need and create features that align more closely with the objective.


Individual responsibility creates a work environment where each team member feels accountable for the project’s success. The practice of Ownership implies that developers must understand not only their tasks but also how these tasks impact the product as a whole.

Detailed Example: A developer working on API performance improvements, by adopting the Ownership pillar, goes beyond technical optimization and analyzes how their changes affect user experience, such as whether the API’s response time impacts an e-commerce site’s sales during peak hours.


Resilience is the ability of a system to continue functioning even under adverse conditions. In software development, this means creating architectures that can handle failures and quickly adapt to changes, ensuring that user experience is not compromised.

Detailed Example: During the deployment of a new feature in a streaming service, the team encounters a bug that causes video loading delays. Resilience is demonstrated by using monitoring tools to quickly detect the issue and apply a temporary solution (feature toggle) while investigating a permanent fix.


Continuous evolution is a pillar that reinforces the need for constant improvement, whether through rapid development iterations or the adoption of new technologies and practices. Teams that adopt CORE are always seeking opportunities to refine processes and increase the value delivered to customers.

Detailed Example: In an industrial automation system development project, the team holds an internal hackathon every quarter to explore new IoT (Internet of Things) concepts, continuously improving integrations and bringing more innovation to the system.

Case Studies

Case 1: Successful Cloud Migration Using CORE Framework

In a cloud migration project, clarity in defining the migration steps ensured that deadlines were met without surprises, while system resilience allowed for service continuity even during the most critical stages of the process.

Case 2: Implementation of CORE in a Fintech

A fintech looking to accelerate the launch of new financial products utilized the CORE Framework to improve its efficiency. Clarity was implemented through visual impact maps of each feature on the end user. Ownership was reinforced by implementing a shared responsibility system during sprints. As a result, the fintech was able to launch a new credit feature in record time without compromising system security.

Case 3: Application of CORE in a Digital Health Start-up

A telemedicine start-up applied CORE to optimize the process of launching an online appointment scheduling platform. Clarity ensured that all functionalities were mapped based on patient feedback, resilience was crucial to guarantee high platform availability, especially during the pandemic, and constant evolution allowed for the quick addition of new features such as video consultations with rapid infrastructure adaptations.

Case 4: Implementation of CORE in an E-commerce Company

An e-commerce platform utilized the CORE Framework to improve its conversion rate. By applying clarity, the team was able to identify friction points in the user journey, such as difficulties in completing purchases. Ownership was promoted by allowing each team member to suggest improvements based on analytical data. Resilience was achieved by building an infrastructure that supported traffic spikes during promotional dates, while evolution was sustained through regular A/B testing, leading to continuous improvements in the user interface.

Case 5: Application of CORE in Educational Software Projects

An educational technology start-up applied CORE to develop a new online teaching platform. Clarity was essential to map the needs of educators and students, ensuring that the functionalities met both audiences. Responsibility was reinforced through weekly meetings where everyone could share their contributions and challenges. Resilience was achieved through an agile approach, allowing for quick adjustments in response to user feedback. Evolution manifested in the constant addition of features, such as live classes and discussion forums, based on emerging market trends.

Benefits of CORE for Small and Large Teams

The CORE Framework offers a robust and adaptable approach for teams of any size, from startups to large corporations. The framework’s flexibility allows it to be tailored to the specific needs of each team, promoting a culture of clarity, responsibility, resilience, and evolution.

Benefits for Small Teams

For small teams, such as startups and agile development groups, the implementation of the CORE Framework provides several significant benefits:

Clarity and Focus:

Positive Example: A technology startup developing mobile applications can use CORE to establish a clear vision and set short-term goals. This helps the team focus on the most critical functionalities that meet user needs.

Negative Example: Without this clarity, the team may scatter in multiple directions, resulting in a confusing final product that is unappealing to the market.

Responsibility: The framework promotes individual and collective accountability. Each team member knows their responsibilities and how their contributions impact the final outcome.

Positive Example: In a digital marketing team, responsibility can be distributed among members for specific campaigns, leading to increased productivity and measurable results.

Negative Example: Without this accountability, a culture of apathy may develop, where team members do not feel motivated to contribute actively.

Flexibility and Agility: Small teams can quickly adapt their approaches and strategies as the market evolves. CORE enables teams to review and adjust their goals and processes based on customer feedback and industry trends.

Example: A small e-commerce company can adjust its marketing strategy during a campaign based on real-time analytics, increasing its conversion rate.

Benefits for Large Teams

For large corporations, the CORE Framework provides a different set of benefits that help maintain competitiveness and innovation:

Organizational Resilience: Large teams face unique challenges, such as rapid market changes and the need for inter-departmental integration. The CORE Framework helps build organizational resilience by encouraging collaboration among teams.

Positive Example: A multinational company can utilize CORE to create a collaborative work environment where different departments (such as development, marketing, and customer service) share feedback and insights, leading to continuous improvements.

Negative Example: In an organization without a structured framework, the lack of communication between departments may result in duplicated or misaligned projects, wasting resources and time.

Continuous Innovation: Continuous evolution is one of the pillars of CORE. Large teams can implement regular feedback and innovation cycles, ensuring that new products and services are always aligned with customer expectations.

Positive Example: A tech giant can promote regular hackathons and brainstorming sessions where teams from different areas collaborate to develop new solutions.

Negative Example: Without a focus on evolution, large companies may become complacent, losing ground to more agile and innovative competitors.

Scalability: The CORE Framework is scalable, allowing large teams to organize into smaller subgroups that apply the same principles of the framework. This facilitates the management of complex projects and coordination among multiple teams.

Example: A manufacturing company can divide its team into groups focused on different product lines, each applying CORE to ensure efficiency and consistency in production.

Negative Example: If teams do not have a common framework, this can lead to a lack of alignment and different interpretations of the company’s goals and objectives.

Comparisons and Challenges

Although the CORE Framework offers many benefits, its implementation is not without challenges, especially in larger corporate environments. Resistance to change can be a significant barrier, particularly in companies with deeply rooted cultures. Effective communication is crucial to overcoming these barriers and ensuring that all team members understand and commit to the principles of CORE.

Additionally, small teams may find it challenging to scale their practices as they grow, requiring careful adaptation of the framework. It is vital for small teams wishing to expand to maintain clarity and communication as they become more complex.

Thus, the CORE Framework serves as a powerful tool for both small and large teams. With a focus on clarity, responsibility, resilience, and evolution, it promotes a culture of excellence that can lead to significant outcomes. Teams that implement CORE not only become more efficient but are also better prepared to face the challenges and opportunities of the ever-changing market.

Impacts and Improvements with the Adoption of CORE

The implementation of the CORE Framework not only transforms the work dynamics of a team but also generates a significant impact on the operations and outcomes of the organization as a whole. The benefits of adopting this framework are broad and encompass various aspects of the work environment. Below, we explore the main impacts and improvements provided by the implementation of CORE.

Increased Productivity

Clear Objectives: Defining clear and measurable goals allows team members to know exactly what is expected of them. This clarity reduces confusion and improves efficiency in work.

Example: In a software development team, utilizing CORE can involve setting two-week sprints, where each sprint has specific objectives, such as delivering functionalities. This keeps the team focused and productive.

Agile Methodologies: CORE promotes the integration of agile methodologies that facilitate prioritization and execution of tasks, resulting in shorter and more frequent delivery cycles.

Improved Team Engagement

Shared Responsibility: By fostering an environment where all members have a role in defining and executing objectives, CORE increases collective accountability.

Example: In a marketing team, each member may be responsible for different campaigns and outcomes, promoting a sense of belonging and motivation. Increasing engagement makes teams more likely to collaborate and innovate.

Feedback Culture: CORE encourages the regular practice of feedback, which not only improves communication but also allows employees to feel heard and valued. This results in a more positive and motivating work environment.

Reduced Downtime

Resilient Systems: The structured approach of CORE helps teams become more resilient, reducing downtime due to failures or crises.

Example: An e-commerce company may implement a monitoring system that alerts the team about technical issues in real-time. This allows for a quick response and minimizes downtime that could impact sales.

Continuous Planning: CORE promotes the continuous review of processes and the implementation of improvements. This ensures that systems and procedures are always up-to-date and functioning efficiently.

Rapid Adaptation to Market Changes

Flexibility and Agility: CORE enables teams to quickly adapt to changes in market conditions, whether arising from new technologies, changes in consumer preferences, or competitive movements.

Example: A technology company adopting CORE may quickly pivot its core product to meet new market demands based on user feedback and trend analysis.

Continuous Innovation: The framework encourages experimentation and innovation, allowing teams to quickly implement new ideas and approaches. This not only keeps the company competitive but also positions it as a leader in its industry.

When to Adopt CORE?

The CORE Framework is an effective solution for teams looking to establish a balance between agility and quality. Its implementation is especially recommended in specific situations where traditional approaches may not suffice. Below are some circumstances indicating the need for adopting CORE:

Difficulty Maintaining Focus on Deliverables

Scenario: Many teams face the challenge of staying focused on their deliverables due to multiple priorities or a lack of clarity in goals.

CORE Solution: By adopting CORE, teams are guided by well-defined and measurable objectives, allowing all members to understand priorities and work in synergy.

Example: In a software development team, implementing short sprints with specific goals can help maintain focus on delivering essential functionalities, resulting in more frequent and higher-quality releases.

Challenges Adapting to New Technologies

Scenario: The rapid evolution of technologies and the need to integrate new tools can be sources of stress and confusion for teams.

CORE Solution: CORE promotes a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation, encouraging teams to experiment with new technologies in a gradual and collaborative manner.

Example: A team adopting a new development platform can use CORE to structure training and feedback sessions, ensuring all members feel comfortable and confident with the new tool.

Need to Improve System Resilience and Internal Collaboration

Scenario: In environments where system resilience is critical, a lack of collaboration among teams can lead to operational failures and missed opportunities.

CORE Solution: The CORE framework encourages collaboration and communication among team members, helping to create an environment where information exchange and mutual support are normalized.

Example: In a financial services company, adopting CORE can facilitate coordination between IT and customer service teams, allowing for a quick response to technical issues and improving the customer experience.

When considering the adoption of CORE, it is essential to evaluate these conditions and how the framework can be integrated into the current practices of the team. Its implementation can be a decisive step toward achieving greater efficiency, collaboration, and innovation.


The CORE Framework represents a paradigm shift in how software development is approached, emphasizing continuous value delivery and rapid adaptation to market dynamics. By integrating the four fundamental pillars — clarity, ownership, resilience, and evolution — CORE provides a structure that not only facilitates communication and alignment within teams but also fosters a culture of shared responsibility and innovation.

Clarity in goals and objectives, for example, ensures that all team members are on the same page, reducing ambiguities and allowing for focused delivery. The concept of ownership strengthens individual motivation and commitment, resulting in a significant increase in delivery quality and proactivity in problem-solving. Resilience, in turn, is crucial in a software development environment facing constant changes and challenges, ensuring teams can respond quickly to failures or crises, minimizing negative impacts. Finally, the continuous evolution of the framework allows teams to experiment and adopt new technologies and practices, ensuring they remain aligned with market trends and user expectations.

Therefore, by offering a holistic and adaptable approach, CORE positions itself as an indispensable methodology for leaders and teams aspiring to excellence and innovation in their software development projects. We firmly believe that CORE is the future of agile development, promoting not only efficiency but also the creation of a collaborative environment where each member feels valued and motivated to contribute to collective success.

With the growing complexity and competitiveness in the technology sector, adopting CORE is not just an option but a strategic necessity for organizations wishing to stand out and thrive in a constantly evolving landscape. The CORE Framework, therefore, is not just a methodology but a work philosophy that can revolutionize how teams organize, collaborate, and deliver value to customers.


Goleman, D. (2002). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Bantam Books.

Hams, B. (2009). Ownership Thinking: How to End Entitlement and Create a Culture of Accountability, Purpose, and Profit. McGraw-Hill.

Taleb, N. N. (2012). Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder. Random House.

Womack, J. & Jones, D. T. (1996). Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation. Simon & Schuster.

The CORE Framework is still in its early stages of study and development. While the concepts and ideas behind it are promising, we know there is a long road ahead before it can be widely recognized and included in Software Engineering textbooks. What we have so far is a solid foundation for something we believe has great potential.
If you’re an enthusiast of new methodologies, a researcher, or a professional looking to explore new ways of teamwork and software development, I would be thrilled to have your participation. Anyone interested in collaborating or providing feedback on the CORE Framework is more than welcome to reach out. Let’s explore, learn, and build something that could transform the way we develop software. Feel free to reach out to me at, and let’s embark on this journey together!

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