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Jignesh Solanki
Jignesh Solanki

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5 Types of Application You Can Build from Node.js Backend Framework

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 engine. Due to its fast, lightweight, scalable, and flexible nature, Node.js has made a mark among the developer community in the last few years or so. According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, Node.js is the sixth most popular technology among developers, with a vote share of 33.91%.

Tech giants like Amazon, Netflix, eBay, Reddit, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and PayPal use Node.js. The primary reason is that Node.js supports data-heavy computation and I/O heavy workload characteristics. Besides all of these benefits, it is asynchronous to handle multiple requests simultaneously with the utmost ease.

Now, if such tech giants are using Node.js for their daily work, then there’s every chance that you can build a variety of web applications with the help of this extraordinary backend framework. This blog will introduce the various types of applications that one can create using Node.js and its integral role in developing those apps. So, why wait for anything to happen? Let’s get things started right now.!

Types of apps you can build with Node.js

1. Real-time messaging apps

Nowadays, when communication has become a vital component of any business, chat or messenger applications are in massive demand. This application takes basis on the top of Instant Messaging (IM) or Internet Relay Chat (IRC) technologies. Due to the asynchronous nature of the Node.js framework, you can build real-time messaging apps with it. The event-driven API allows developers to manage real-time communication and push notifications. They can also establish and handle all the WebSockets, essential in real-time communication.

2. IoT-based apps

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the trending technologies utilized today to share data among various devices over the internet. Any IoT network comprises hundreds of such devices, and therefore, managing so many requests and data streams is the biggest challenge. That’s where the role of Node.js comes into the picture. The ability to process multiple requests simultaneously and manage all the events properly through the network makes the Node.js backend framework an excellent choice for building IoT-based applications in the modern era.

3. Social media apps

Social media is the buzzword in today’s day and age. So many social media applications have made their mark in the industry. Also, every day you see a lot of new social media apps coming to the fore. So, to build top-notch social media apps, you will require a robust backend infrastructure and load balancing mechanism. That’s where Node.js comes into play as it allows you to create scalable, strong, and high performant applications. Furthermore, you can make your product stand out from the competitors with this technology, as LinkedIn and Twitter did.

4. Single page applications

Single-page applications are a new-age approach in the web application development horizon where you try to fit in the application on a single page. The primary purpose of a single-page application is to provide a user-experiencer similar to that of a desktop application. All the scripts get loaded on one page, so managing the request immediately is the key to success. That’s where Node.js can be your best bet as it allows developers to handle asynchronous AJAX calls and manage heavy workload computations related to I/O with pinpoint accuracy.

5. Streaming applications

Earlier people used to read a lot of books and like text-format material. With so many audio and video streaming applications like NetFlix and Amazon Prime Video in play, that's not the case anymore. Streaming applications require downloading some part of the video or audio while the user is playing them. Node.js has a Stream API feature, making it possible for developers to build high-end streaming applications. Also, it has got readable and writable streams for managing the download part. That’s why you should build streaming applications with Node.js.

So far, you have understood the types of applications you can develop with Node.js. However, you need to hire remote Node.js developers to make it a reality. For that purpose, knowing the cost of hiring Node.js developers is paramount. Based on that, decide on developers and build a world-class web application for your business.

Wrapping up things

There are a variety of applications that one can build by using Node.js. Here, we have enlisted and discussed five of those applications and Node.js' role in making them. We hope this application will help you to know the use cases of Node.js appropriately.

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