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Managing Revisions in Azure Container Apps


In this final guide of the series, we'll explore the essential aspect of managing revisions in Azure Container Apps. By effectively managing revisions, you can control the deployment of new features, roll back changes, and experiment with different versions of your application.

Benefits of Revision Management

  • Flexible Deployment: Multiple revisions allow for gradual feature rollouts and experimentation.
  • Rollback Capability: You can easily revert to a previous revision if issues arise.
  • Improved Control: Managing revisions provides greater control over your application's behavior and updates.


  • Azure Subscription: An active Azure subscription.
  • Container Registry: A container registry containing your container images.
  • Virtual Network and Subnets: A virtual network with subnets for your container app and private endpoint.
  • Service Bus Namespace: A Service Bus namespace for communication.
  • Managed Identity: A user-assigned managed identity.
  • Private Endpoint: A private endpoint connecting your container registry to your virtual network.
  • Container App: A deployed container app.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Enable Multiple Revisions:

    • Navigate to your container app's settings.

    Locating Container App

    • Under "Application," go to "Revisions and replicas."

    Locating Revisions and replicas

    • Select "Choose Revision mode" and confirm the switch to "multi-revision mode."

    Switching Revision mode

  2. Create a New Revision:

    • Click "+ Create a new revision."

    Creating a new revision

    • Provide a name/suffix and select your container image.

    Configuring the revision

  3. Configure Ingress Labels:

    • Under "Settings," select "Ingress."

    Changing the Ingress

    • Enable ingress and configure the necessary settings (ingress traffic, type, client certificate mode, transport, insecure connections, and IP security restrictions).

    Configuring the Ingress

  4. Configure Traffic Percentage:

    • In the "Revisions and replicas" page, adjust the traffic percentage for each revision to control their distribution.

    Changing the Ingress percentage


Congratulations! By following these steps, you've successfully configured revision management for your Azure Container App. This empowers you to manage different versions of your application, experiment with new features, and roll back changes if needed.

By mastering the concepts of securing an Azure Container Registry, creating and configuring a secure container app, and effectively managing revisions, you've laid a strong foundation for building and deploying robust containerized applications on Azure. These essential components work together to ensure the security, performance, and flexibility of your container-based solutions.

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