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Jitesh Dhamaniya
Jitesh Dhamaniya

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Validate a local Variable in Laravel Livewire.

Laravel LiveWire is a phenomenal framework for Laravel. Using it for 1 hour makes you fall in love with it. I use nowadays for any project i am doing in Laravel. Anyways recently i had to validate a variable which was not a public one.

for Public variables its straightforward you define

protected $rules = []
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or define

protected function rules(){
    return []
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and then call $this->validate(). Simple.

But my requirement was to validate a variable which i was getting on click call (

<a wire:click="changeStatus({{ $row->id }},4)">Mark as Approve</a>
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little did i know Livewire does have solution for it as well for validating a local variable you do something like this

 $validate = Validator::make(
            ['status' => $status], // here you assign value for validation
            ['status' => 'required|integer|min:1|max:2'],
            ['required' => 'The :attribute field is required'],
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This is my complete code if you interested.

public function changeStatus($id, $status){
        $request = PayoutRequest::find($id);

        $validate = Validator::make(
            ['status' => $status],
            ['status' => 'required|integer|min:1|max:2'],
            ['required' => 'The :attribute field is required'],

        $request->status = $status;
        session()->flash('status', "Status has been updated.");
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hope this will help someone save some time.

Top comments (3)

mahdipishguy profile image
Mahdi Pishguy • Edited

You don't need to validate all values by validator for every fields, however this is a simple but i think you can do that for each variable as you want to validate by this code:

public function updated($field)
    try {
    } catch (ValidationException $e) {
        $validator = $e->validator;
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jiteshdhamaniya profile image
Jitesh Dhamaniya

this is when property is public yes. however i wrote post incase you want to validate a local variable which does not have existence on component.

mahdipishguy profile image
Mahdi Pishguy

oh, i get it now, you are right