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John Johnson Okah
John Johnson Okah

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PASSWORD SAFETY 101: Hack-proof Your Digital World With These Invaluable Tips

The longer the password, the stronger...

but here's when long isn't strong

This password will take a hacker minutes to crack, despite it being 34 characters long. Take a look at your keyboard and you will know why.

In today's interconnected world, where much of our personal and sensitive information resides in the digital realm, safeguarding our online accounts has become paramount. One of the most fundamental and essential aspects of digital security is password safety. By creating strong and secure passwords, we can fortify our virtual fortresses and protect ourselves from malicious actors. In this article, we will explore the importance of password safety and provide tips on how to enhance your online security.

Why Password Safety Matters

Passwords serve as the first line of defense against unauthorized access to our personal information, financial accounts, and digital identities. Weak or compromised passwords can leave us vulnerable to identity theft, data breaches, and other cybercrimes. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the significance of password safety and adopt good practices to mitigate the risks.


Creating Strong Passwords

A strong password is a critical component of your digital security strategy. Here are some guidelines to help you create robust passwords:

password strength test chart

  1. Length: Opt for passwords that are at least 12 characters long. The longer the password, the harder it is to crack through brute force or automated methods.

  2. Complexity: Include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters in your password. Avoid using predictable sequences like "123456".

  3. Uniqueness: Use a unique password for each of your online accounts. Reusing passwords across multiple platforms increases the risk of a single breach compromising multiple accounts - "One goes down, the others follow".

  4. Avoid Personal Information: Avoid incorporating personal details such as your name, birthdate, or address in your passwords. This information can be easily obtained or guessed by attackers.

  5. Avoid Commonly Used Password: A hacker can easily gain access to your account by simply trying every word in a dictionary, or a list of common passwords, until they find a match. Don't use dictionary words (like diamond) and common combinations (like 1q2w3e)

  6. Passphrase Approach: Consider using passphrases instead of passwords. These are longer combinations of words or phrases that are easier to remember but harder to crack. For example, "PurpleElephantInSunshine" is a strong passphrase.


Additional Password Safety Measures

Creating strong passwords is just the first step. Here are some additional measures to enhance your password safety:

  1. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification step, such as a unique code sent to your mobile device, in addition to your password.

  2. Password Managers: Consider using a reputable password manager. These tools generate and store complex passwords for you, eliminating the need to remember them all. You can try Bitwarden, an open source password manager.

  3. Beware of Phishing: Be cautious of phishing attempts, where attackers try to trick you into revealing your passwords or other sensitive information. Avoid clicking on suspicious links in emails or sharing personal information on untrusted websites.


As our lives become increasingly intertwined with the digital landscape, safeguarding our online presence is of utmost importance. Implementing strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant against phishing attempts are essential steps in securing yourself with passwords. Remember, your password is like a key to your digital life, and by prioritizing password safety, you can build a robust defense against cyber threats and enjoy peace of mind in the virtual world.

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