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John Mark Bulabos
John Mark Bulabos

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First Steps in Python: Coding for Dummies, by a Dummy

Hello, fellow dummies! And welcome to the wacky world of Python coding, where the only snakes are in our nightmares, and we hope the only bites we receive are from our midnight snack of choice (chips for me, thanks). I'm your resident dummy, here to guide you through the mesmerizing, confounding, and more often than not, utterly infuriating labyrinth of code.

But don't fret! Like a baby python slithering out of its egg for the first time (did you know baby pythons are called "hatchlings"? Yeah, me neither), we're going to take it slow, step by step, with plenty of awkward hissing and misunderstood intentions along the way.

1. Downloading Python

Our journey begins with the acquisition of the Python. Just go to, where you can download it for free. Yes, you heard it right. It’s completely free! No need to crack open your piggy bank. Although I still think they missed out on a great opportunity for a 'pay with mice' option.

2. Python IDE - The Playground

After installing Python, we need a playground to code, known as the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). You can use whatever you like, but for this guide, we'll be using PyCharm. It’s like a shiny sandbox where we will build our sandcastles of code. Just don't get too attached; the tide (read: bugs) comes in quickly around here.

3. Hello, World! - The Handshake of Programming

Now, let's dip our toes in the coding waters by writing our first line of code, the legendary "Hello, World!". This is like a secret handshake among programmers, and after this, you'll be one of us.

print("Hello, World!")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Congratulations, you’ve just written your first line of Python code! I'm so proud, I could shed a skin.

4. Variables and Types - Not Your Algebra Nightmare

Next up, we've got variables. But, fret not! These aren't the monstrous X’s and Y’s from your Algebra nightmares. In Python, variables are more like tags on suitcases, telling you what's inside. To put it in perspective, if we consider the code as a zoo, then variables are the labels on the animal enclosures. We wouldn't want to confuse the alligator pit with the petting zoo, would we?

5. Playing With Strings - No Guitar Needed

Strings in Python are not something you can play a tune on. But you can definitely play around with them. A string is just a sequence of characters. Like "Hello, World!" or "I'm a Python coding genius in the making". You know, standard stuff.

To Be Continued…

Phew! I think that's enough information to slither through for now. Let's take a breather and pat ourselves on the back for the tremendous progress we've made. Python's not so scary now, is it?

In the next chapter, we'll discuss lists, and I promise it won't be a grocery list! We’ll explore loops too, but don’t worry, we won't be running in circles. Or will we? Find out in our next installment: "Lists, Loops, and a Little Bit of Lunacy".

Until then, remember to keep hissing... sorry, I meant coding. Now, go forth and conquer!

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P.S. As your resident Python dummy, I can assure you that no actual mice were used in the making of this article. All references to mice, hatchlings, and Python snake bites are purely fictional and meant for comedic relief. No snakes or dummies were harmed in the process. Promise.

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