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John Mark Bulabos
John Mark Bulabos

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Python 101: If You Can Order a Pizza, You Can Code


You're probably thinking, "How the pepperoni does ordering a pizza relate to coding in Python?" Well, hold on to your Hawaiian slices because we're about to go on a coding journey. No worries, it'll be less greasy than a late-night pizza box!

Coding: More Pepperoni, Less Pineapple

Think of Python like your favorite pizza joint: it’s friendly, familiar, and oh-so satisfying. You might not have thought of it before, but ordering a pizza is a lot like writing code. You start with the basics (a base in pizza terms, a program in coding terms) and then you add in the ingredients of your choice. Too many olives? Too few pepperonis? No problem! Just tweak your order (or your code), and voila, you have the perfect pizza (or program).

Your First Slice of Code

Now, we're going to write our first Python script, or as we're calling it today, ordering our first pizza. The script? It's simple:

print("I would like to order a pizza.")
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Congratulations! You just ordered a pizza in Python. It's a plain pizza though, no toppings. Don't worry, we'll add those soon.

Adding the Toppings

Now, let's make our order a bit more complex. We're going to add some toppings. In Python, you could write something like this:

toppings = ['pepperoni', 'mushrooms', 'extra cheese']
for topping in toppings:
    print(f"I would like {topping} on my pizza.")
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Here, toppings is a list (think of it like your toppings menu), and the for loop is going through each topping on the list and adding it to your pizza.

Now that’s a pizza with some flavor!

To Slice or Not to Slice

Remember when you argued with your friend about slicing the pizza into 8 instead of 10? Coding in Python can also solve this problem. You can 'slice' data in Python just like a hot pizza.

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The code above will give you the first two toppings from your list: ['pepperoni', 'mushrooms'] - ideal for when you and your friend can't agree on all the toppings.

Delivery Time: Functions

Now, wouldn't it be easier if we had a special function that could order our favorite pizza for us, with just one line of code? In Python, we have what are called "functions" for this.

def order_pizza(toppings):
    for topping in toppings:
        print(f"I would like {topping} on my pizza.")

order_pizza(['pepperoni', 'mushrooms', 'extra cheese'])
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Just like a speed-dial for your favorite pizza place!


So there you have it. Coding in Python is as simple as ordering a pizza - sometimes even easier! Sure, it gets more complex as you dive deeper, just like arguing if pineapple deserves to be on pizza (the answer is yes, by the way. Fight me). But don't worry - one bite at a time, you'll get the hang of it!

You can always comment down below if you have questions, are confused, or simply want to share your favorite pizza toppings. Now, go out there and code! Or order a pizza. Or both.

Happy coding (and eating)! 🍕

(Editor's note: No pizzas were harmed in the writing of this article.)

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