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Ghulam Rasool
Ghulam Rasool

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Building an Interactive React Native App with Speech Recognition and OpenAI Integration

Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interfaces! In this article, we'll explore an exciting React Native application that seamlessly integrates speech-to-text conversion and OpenAI capabilities. If you're intrigued by the idea of enhancing user experiences through speech recognition and AI-driven text chat completion, you're in for a treat.

Introducing react native openai speech totext

Today, we'll be diving into the react-native-openai-speech-totext project, a powerful demonstration of how React Native can harness the potential of OpenAI's AI models for various applications. This project empowers developers to create apps that listen to user speech, convert it to text, and even utilize AI-driven chat completion and image generation.

Features and Highlights

  1. Speech-to-Text Conversion with react-native-voice The foundation of this project rests on the well-known react-native-voice package. This package enables our application to capture and convert spoken words into text, opening up a world of possibilities for voice-based interactions. Imagine using your voice to compose messages, search for content, and more!

Here's how the speech recognition functionality is integrated using the custom useSpeech hook:

// src/hooks/useSpeech.js

import { SpeechRecognizer } from 'react-native-openai-speech-totext';

export const useSpeech = () => {
  const startRecognition = async () => {
    try {
      const result = await SpeechRecognizer.startRecognition();
      console.log('Speech to Text Result:', result);
      // Use the recognized text for further processing
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error in Speech to Text:', error);

  return { startRecognition };
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  1. OpenAI Integration for Enhanced Text Completion and Image Generation

What sets this project apart is its integration with OpenAI. By utilizing OpenAI's state-of-the-art AI models, our app is capable of suggesting text completions and even generating images based on user input. This powerful combination of speech-to-text and AI-driven augmentation enables users to effortlessly create content and communicate like never before.

The OpenAI integration logic can be found in the src/api/openai.js file:

// src/api/openai.js

import axios from 'axios';

const BASE_URL = '';

const instance = axios.create({
  baseURL: BASE_URL,
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    Authorization: `Bearer ${YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY}`,

export const getChatCompletion = async (messages) => {
  const response = await'/engines/davinci-codex/completions', {
    prompt: messages,
    max_tokens: 50,


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Getting Started

Installation and Setup

To embark on this journey of innovation, follow these steps:

Clone the react-native-openai-speech-totext repository to your local machine.

Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies:

cd react-native-openai-speech-totext
npm install

Exploring the Project Structure

The project adheres to a structured organization, making it easier to maintain and extend. Here's a brief overview of the
main folders:

src/api: Houses the logic for interacting with the OpenAI API using the Axios library.
src/types: Defines TypeScript types used throughout the application.
src/assets/images: Stores the images and assets used in the app.
src/components: Contains reusable React Native components, allowing for consistent design and functionality.
src/hooks: Features a custom hook, useSpeech, which encapsulates the speech recognition functionality.
src/mock-data: Holds mock data used during development and testing.
src/navigation: Manages the application's navigation stack using React Navigation.
src/screens: Hosts the various screens that users interact with.
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Putting It to Use

Ready to see the magic in action? Dive into the project's codebase, explore the components, and experiment with the voice recognition and OpenAI integration. The provided useSpeech hook simplifies integrating speech recognition, while the OpenAI API calls are abstracted in the src/api folder.

The react native openai speech totext project exemplifies the synergistic potential of React Native, speech recognition, and AI-driven augmentation. Whether you're building a messaging app, content creation tool, or any application that demands intuitive interaction, this project provides a solid foundation.

Feel free to explore the GitHub repository for comprehensive documentation, code examples, and insights into how you can further customize and extend the app's capabilities.

Your journey into innovative and interactive app development begins here. Embrace the power of voice and AI with react native openai speech totext

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