Lots of public speaking and events in the last two weeks as I post this a little earlier than Friday.
One thing that stood out for me for making a successful event of any kind:
To iterate on this I had one successful (imho) Twitter space appearance and we hosted our first office hours. Than we had a Panel Discussion where we just sponsored and let someone else organize.
For the Twitter space the host Emmanuella Orioma
send me questions beforehand so I could prepare. She also had an agenda mapped out. Everything went smooth beside some Twitter hiccup. For the office hour I also prepared some demos and had an agenda. Unfortunately no one showed up, but that is the topic of another day 😋
The panel discussion on the other hand went ok-ish with a weak beginning and a stronger end once the panelists warmed up. But it was a strong contrast to the panel discussion we had at our hackathon where we spend hours preparing on how that should go down.
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