DEV Community

Johannes Dienst
Johannes Dienst

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Being a Developer Advocate: Week Six

We did our first Developer Experience Audit today with a new hire! 🥳

Seeing someone struggle starting from your landing page through your documentations Getting Started is something else.

It gives you a completely different view where users get stuck or frustrated and what you need to change so they can succeed.

Writing an Article for Print and Endless Content Creation Ideas

We committed to writing an article for print which is based on the talk The Future of UI Testing. This is a great way to recycle content and enrich it with more details.

So the first thing I did was to create a blog series out of it to get an idea of how the content should be structured.

I then began to write the print article with all the requirements that come with it (Vector graphics, count of characters, stylistic recommendations, etc. pp). Writing it for print took me about two days in total. That seems like a lot, but for me, print sets a much higher bar in quality 🤓

Using Grammarly to Check Your Writing

I also gave Grammarly another shot and it really helps with my Writing. Being a non-native speaker it is hard to get punctuation right. Struggling with declination is another specialty of mine 😅 And of course the usual spelling mistakes.

Grammarly helps with all of that! 🥰

Recommended Reading

Recycling and expanding on already existing content is a great way to come up with ideas. Stephanie Morillo wrote about it in her excellent blog 4 sources of endless content ideas - article

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